CHAPTER 24: The High School

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We managed to break through the next set of doors and we ran straight into the high school. Running though the dark hallways looking for means of escape. Hundreds of Walkers were on our tail growling and snarling as they followed us. The other set of exit doors were closed and locked with a chain and padlock. There was no time to try and bust through it. So we just kept running.

    "In here. Quick." Shane said opening up the doors to the gymnasium.

We ran inside and climbed up onto the stacked bleachers. Keeping us just barely out of reach from the clawing walkers just below us. Shane shined his flashlight around and we spotted some windows on the opposite side of the room.

    "Those windows, what's on the other side?" Shane asked breathlessly.

    "About a 20 foot drop with nothing to catch you, maybe some bushes, then the athletic field." Otis explained to the pair of us.

    "Okay, so we just need enough time. We'd have to get up there and get the windows open and then climb out." I pointed out.

    "Not me. You two, maybe." Otis said with the shake of his head.

    "Whoa, hey. We're not leaving you behind." I said with a frown.

    "I ain't saying that, but Darlin' look at me. You really think I could squeeze through one of them tiny windows? They'd be all over us. Look, we lay down some fire to get a head start. You two stay here. I'll hop down and draw the rest away. That gives you guys the chance to get up the bleachers and out a window."

    "And where do you go?" Shane scoffed, as if he didn't believe him.

    "Locker room. Down those steps."

    "Otis, I don't think that's a good idea." I said to him honestly.

    "Looks like a good way to get trapped." Shane agreed.

    "It's got windows too, and more my size. I get out through one, I double back, we meet up out on the field." Otis instructed.

    "You're a crazy son of a bitch, ain't you?" Shane asked as Otis gave him the other medical supply bag.

    "I'm just trying to do right for that boy."

    "Three shots. Then you run. And I mean really run, Otis." I instructed him back with a head nod. "After that, Shane and I will lay down extra fire and cover you."

Otis shot down three of the walkers and we moved across the bleachers. He took a leap as the walker's were distracted by us, from the bleachers to the floor below, but his ankles caved beneath him. He hit the floor and groaned. Otis started to scream as one of the walkers crawled out from underneath the bleachers and it grabbed a hold of his leg. His scream caught the attention of the other walkers and Shane raised his gun shooting it in the head, allowing for Otis to escape. More walkers started to go after him as he stood up and limped towards the doorway.

I raised my pistol in the air and started firing at the walkers getting to close to him. As soon as he was through and he shut the door behind him. Shane and I ran the opposite way. Jumping down from the bleachers and over towards the others. The walkers had been distracted by Otis, but there was a few that noticed us both. Changing their direction. We climbed the steps and Shane started smashing in the window. I grabbed my dagger and stabbed the first one traveling the stairs in the head pushing it's body backwards with a grunt towards the other two.

    "Baby, come on." Shane said after tossing out the bags. He held a hand outstretched for me. I didn't have a moment to even think about it. I reached up and grabbed his hand. "Y/n, I have to tell you how sorry I am." Shane said quickly and I looked at him incredulously.

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