CHAPTER 39: The Escapee

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I guided Charlotte away from Y/n, Rick and Shane. We decided to take a walk through the woods, not going to far, just along the edge of the forest. Charlotte was real quiet. Twiddling her thumbs as she walked along.

    "So, what did ya wanna talk to me about?" I asked breaking the silence. Charlotte shrugged and I chuckled. "You're far to much like both your parents, ya know that? Don't shut yourself away from the people you love. I still struggle with that myself... So tell me what's goin' on."

    "Yesterday... Carl and I went into the shed with the kid." She said and stopped, kicking the dirt on the ground.

    "What'd ya go and do that for? You could've gotten hurt?" I asked concerned and crossed my arms.

    "You all were talking about killing him. Said he was real bad. I wanted to make my own opinion. I think Carl just wanted to see the prisoner." She shrugged. "But, Carl and I got caught... By Shane."

    "Did he hit you? Was he the one to give you the belt marks?" I asked a little more roughly than I meant too. Rage over coming at the thought of it. Charlotte's eyes widened and filled with tears and she nodded. I walked towards her and she flinched. I stopped for a second and took a deep breath. Approaching her more slowly. "Let me see." I asked softly.

    "Huh??" Charlotte sniffled as she opened her eyes back up.

    "Let me see the damage." I told her. She sighed and lifted the side of her shirt.

I bent down and I looked over the marks that were still quite red and blistering. He had to of hit her good for them to do that. The blood in my body ran hot and cold. How could my kid suffer the same fate I had? And I wanted to kill himself for putting his hands on either one of them. But I knew I was gonna have to keep a level head. I didn't want to scare Charlotte more than she already was.

    "I told Mom too... She's angry about it... Please don't be mad." Charlotte sniffled as she looked at me.

    "Charlotte, you know she's not mad at you, right? That this wasn't your fault?" I asked and she looked down. I grabbed her chin gently and raised her face to look at me. "It wasn't. You shouldn't have been in that shed. That was wrong and you could've gotten hurt. But Shane should of never put his hands on you. No one ever should. Your mom and I would never no matter what kinda trouble you get into. Like you and Carl going into the Barn last night too." I scolded her gently.

    "I was trying to stop him." She pointed out and I nodded.

    "I know. But next time, get someone. There's a difference between being a tattletale and keeping those around you safe. What if we had thought you were walkers? You could've been seriously hurt." I explained.

    "I'm sorry." Charlotte said sincerely.

    "I know. And I know it's not easy, but no matter what happened. What kind of trouble you get into. You shouldn't keep secrets from your mom and I. You can come to us and tell us anything, you know that don't you?" I asked and she nodded.

    "Mom said the same thing."

    "Because she's a smart woman. And so are you. So next time you're ever in a scary situation like that, and I pray that you never have to go through it again. Do whatever you gotta do. You kick, scream, yell and run. You're not gonna get in trouble with your mother and I, ever concerning things like that... And let me reiterate. We would never put our hands on you."

    "I know." Charlotte nodded.

I ruffled her hair and we walked a bit more and I made a decision in my mind. I took a deep breath and looked at Charlotte as we walked.

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