Chapter 8

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Author's POV

" What do you mean?"

Megha turned to her sister on her question. She could see that Meena was flustered

Holding her sister by her cheeks Megha said,

" My dear sister, I agree that in the beginning you all did take me for a ride but I am not so dumb to not realize what is actually happening "

Everyone were flabbergasted by the sudden turn of events

" Seriously.... Acha( Father) ....You think you could fool me...ME... The person who is the epitome of overprotectiveness is silent while someone is hurting his precious daughter..." I asked raising my eyebrows at him

As Megha's father's eyes widened, she just smirked.

Suddenly, they all heard sound of clapping.

Megha turned to see Abhi's brother Ram clapping with a smile and a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

" Wow... I have heard lot about you but it didn't do you justice. You are really a firecracker. Hope in future you will be on my side. I never ever want to be on your bad side, if today is an example" he said

Megha was confused but still waited for him to complete with a frown on her face. She could see all of them having a warm smile especially her sister while the devil himself meaning Abhi was grinning with a smug look on his face.

" Let me introduce myself . Hi I am Ram..." he extended his hand which I shook, " ABHIram .... Your sister's ABHI"

" What....."

Megha's POV

Shock would be an understatement for what I felt at that moment.

I looked at my sister who was giggling while othere were openly laughing at me

" Not possible... " I retorted

" Why?" Meenu Chechi asked in astonishment

" You said his name is Abhi and Aunty herself introduced him as Abhi and most importantly don't forget that you showed me his picture. I know you both are pranking me" I huffed out in anger

" Really....Let me introduce you to these brothers. This is Raj Chettan or Abhiraj Krishna , Ram also known as Abhiram and last but not the least the youngest brother, AbhiJEET and by the by did I ever show you his solo picture?"

I was listening to Meenu Chechi's explanation in trepidation but her question surely brought a doubt into my mind.

This time she pinched my cheek and said,

" Oh... Buddhuram....As you remember it was both of their picture and I said MY Abhi is the one on the left of the PICTURE NOT ON YOUR LEFT"

My eyes widened in realization as I turned to look at Ram Chettan( Brother)  in horror.

" You are soooo cute" he said laughing loudly at my expression

I was so embarrassed by what I did in the past hour and when I realized how everyone was part of this game , my embarrassment turned to fury

" How could you all do this to me? Here I was drowning in guilt that I became the reason for my sister's unhappiness and you people were enjoying"

Everyone became stunned by my outburst , they may have thought that the fun Megha would take this lightly.But how could I when it is the matter of my sister.

" I am sorry , Megha. It started as a little prank but I seriously didn't mean to hurt you" Meenu Chechi apologized by holding her ears

I saw her eyes fill up with unshed tears and my anger vanished in the blink of an eye as my sister's tears is my biggest weakness.

" We are also equally responsible. We too apologize " Veena Aunty added

" We really didn't think it would go to this extent" Mohan Uncle explained

Acha( Father) came to me and caressed my head

" My brave daughter is upset with her Acha.... Come on now forgive us. We didn't meant to hurt you. Everytime you prank us so we thought to prank you this time but didn't know you will be hurt so much. But I am also very very happy..."

I looked at him puzzled while he continued, " .... I now know how much my Megha loves her Meenu Chechi. Now I don't have to be so over protective as she has her personal bodyguard, right?"

I just hugged him and buried my face in his chest.

" Meghu..."

" Fine.... I forgive you all" I said with a pout

" But I am not sorry " the devil spoke

I looked up to his challenging eyes

" Abhi..." Veena Aunty admonished

" What Amma....Not knowing the full details she came to our house and destroyed MY reputation. Without my fault , you and Acha scolded me so I deserved to take a little revenge"

"Oh Hello .... it is not my fault at all" I replied back in full confidence

" Then whose fault is it Madam..." he asked arrogantly

" I can name three. First your brother, second you and third , sorry in advance, Veena Aunty and Mohan Uncle"

I could see the surprise on everyone's face when I mentioned Uncle and Aunty

Releasing a deep sigh , I explained

" Firstly, if Ram Chettan have told this earlier then all this confusion could have been avoided. Secondly, you could have told us the truth when I accused you instead of trying to protect your brother and Finally, Uncle...
Aunty... Why did you name all your sons name starting with Abhi. Didn't you once thought of their poor future wives and also if you have called Raj Chettan and Ram Chettan with the last part of their names then you should have called this dummy as JEET too."

All looked at me dumbfounded while Meenu Chechi whacked me on my head. We were glaring at each other when Veena Aunty started laughing and said,

" You are absolutely right. It is all our fault . I should have thought of our poor daughter in laws and how they would cope up with all the Abhis in the house"

" Are you mocking me , Aunty?" I asked baffled

" Of course not.." She caressed my head and continued," are really a breathe of fresh air. Don't ever change for anybody"

Saying this she turned to Acha and Amma and said,

" We don't want to delay this any further. If you all are okay, I would like to ask your daughters hand for my sons"

" You mean our DAUGHTER,Meenu's hand for your SON, Ram , right?" Amma asked to clarify

" No , I meant what I said your daughters, Meena and Megha's hand for my sons, Ram and Abhi" she said with a smile

I looked at her in disbelief

" Even though this was a prank, but my proposal was not" I heard someone whispering near me.

I turned to see Abhi gazing at me with a mischievous smile but his eyes showed a warmth that I couldn't decipher.

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