Chapter 45

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Abhijeet's POV

There was silence except for the night sounds.


She jerked her head towards me in shock listening to my words

I could see the perspiration on her forehead and for a second, fear in her eyes

She tried to rush past me but I stepped in front blocking her way.

Eventhough she stopped, she refused to look at me. She was fidgety and squirming under my gaze.

Deciding enough was enough, I decided to take the bull by its horns.

"Will you not even look at me,CHETTATHI?"

Her eyes clashed with mine but the eyes that once used to sparkle with joy and warmth now looked dead to me.

The silence and the look in her eyes were getting to me or should I say her BLANK stare was stifling me.

Without any preamble,I spoke

"For the past three years, I believed in one truth which has taken a huge blow in the last 24 hours. Only you can clear my dilemma...."

I once again stared at her in hope of any reaction but seeing her so quiet, my courage was slowly deserting me , still I continued.

Wrapping my arms around her  shoulders, I guided her towards the swing. Initially she was startled but recovered fast. Holding her stiff, she let me usher her forward.

For a moment, I forgot my purpose, instead  the only thing roaming around in my mind was the reaction I saw in Chettathi when I touched her, SHOCK.

Kneeling down , I studied her impassive face. It was like a calm sea but I could sense a tsunami of emotions hidden within. Whenever I felt even a slight reaction from her, she immediately reined it in.

"We did a mistake,  didn't we?" I voiced out the words which could change everything

Her eyes filled up but not even a single drop made it's way down.

The slight tremble of her lips and the tight clenched fist was telling the true story .

In that instant, my heart broke thinking about what we lost over a simple misunderstanding.

Will we ever be able to make amends for the past?

Will we be able to capture back the lost smile?

Wounds may get healed but how will we ever erase the left over scars?

The ashen pallor of her face was frightening and the guilt began to hit me in waves. Gulping down the pain, I placed my head on her lap.

"Why....Why didn't you speak once in your defense? Megha was asking you and you remained silent, Why....? Chettan spoke so rudely with you but you didn't ref..ute...." I stumbled on the last word overcome with emotions.

I glanced up at Chettathi who has still not spoken a single word. It was like she has shut herself off. Hiding herself away from all the pain and accusations.

I couldn't control the sob seeing the extent of the damage our condemnation brought on.

" I am sorry.....rea...lly not being th..there when y..ou nee.. needed me the most. I failed as a"

My heart shattered further as without uttering a single word she left, leaving me alone to wallow in self pity.

The Chettathi  I knew  could never see anyone's  tears especially mine.

"Then why did you even think that she would do such a heinous sin against you" My conscience spoke up for which I had no answers.

I closed my eyes to the shame wounding around me


Suddenly I was embraced in the arms of my Angel


Her voice was filled with anguish over my state and not able to withstand any longer , I broke down completely in her arms.

This time she held me together as I let out my pain.

Finally, pulling myself together I looked up but to see the dismay on Megha's face


She was not even able to form a proper sentence. Now when I have controlled my emotions, I could see the chink in her armour.

If the hint of truth could shatter me to this extent then Megha would be destroyed but I could not be dishonest with her.

"We believed what we saw and heard , not once questioning it's genuinity, Jaan. We got blinded by our hurt...Eventually the cloak came off when Saahil questioned me..." I trailed off remembering our conversation

"Are you sure that your Chettathi is behind all this? From your words, she came across as a  humble  and sweet  lady. She maybe be naive but not stupid to believe her actions will be hidden forever. For a  planner, why didn't  she think of the consequences if these came to light? What did she even attain other than alienating her own husband and family?.....In my opinion, she is just a puppet of a master manipulator"

She looked at me shocked as realization hit her. Just like me, the shock began taking the form of remorse.

" Don't Jaan....this is not the time to hide behind guilt and shame. We have to find the absolute truth" I stated with determination

" But Jeet what I did...." Megha's eyes welled up

I pulled her towards me while comforting  her with the only words that she could accept under this circumstances

" We made a mistake, now it's time we repent for it"

Suddenly,wiping the tears away , Megha turned towards me

"How did you know she is Mehul's Angel?"

" I didn't.  I had my suspicion that it is someone close to us and with Saahil's words roaming in my mind, she was the first person I could think off.  I took a chance earlier and her unsaid words confirmed what my heart knew all along"

"How will we even undo our past,Jeet?"  she asked ruefully

I know what she is going through . One by one all our beliefs were falling apart. It felt the pain of past 3 years were over nothing.

" We can't undo but we sure can ammend and we NEED to...for OUR family"

"But again how?"

"By taking the first step. We need to find the person behind all this and there is only one who can tell "

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