Chapter 10

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Abhijeet's POV

" Why are you glaring at me? You know ........"  I trailed off as I saw her turning more furious

Realizing that silence is the better option, I zipped my mouth, getting ready for the  upcoming rant. 

I maybe the first husband who is enduring wife's scolding rather than romance on their first night , I thought with a pout

" You are the one who said, Dont worry Megha. We will make them understand.....everything will happen according  to you......"

Her tirade was non stop and as I listened to her, I was so impressed by her imitation of me that I didn't notice that a smile was playing on my lips until a smack landed on my arm

" Ouch....What...."

" Here I am frustrated  and you are smiling...."

Looking at the tension on her face and the anguish in her eyes , I pulled Megha towards me and made her sit on the bed.

I know she was not angry  but just disappointed. I crouched down holding  her hands and stared at her while she was trying to steal her eyes from me.

" Look at me, Megha. I know you are not mad at me but at yourself" I said gently

She turned to glance at me in surprise

" No need to be surprised. In this small interval, I think I have come to read you well ....which I am sure will be very handy in future" I chuckled when her eyes widened in horror

Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, I continued

" Megha, I understand  your concerns thats why I stood beside you trying to convince them but this is your father's dream.... Still I tried but then you also agreed. Tell me whats my fault in this"

" I didn't  say it was your fault. I also know that it is my parents wish..."

" Megh...."

" I am not blaming them....I understand  their point of view too . It is just that I was least prepared"

The sadness in her voice was evident . I took her in my arms to give her comfort in any way I can.

Marriage itself is a big change for a girl , she is leaving all she knows and entering a new home with new dynamics and on top of that if she hears her family is thinking of shifting to their native place.... It is a lot to take in. Her heart and mind will be in turmoil suddenly loosing all the familiarity and comforts. I don't know whether I will be able to give her the  assurance that she needs. A boy can never understand the emotions a girl go through on leaving her family behind but I sure hope to try.

She placed her head on my shoulder and her next word conveyed the plight of every daughter,

" It is not like I am unhappy over this marriage but why do this happiness comes with the sadness of leaving someone behind"

" You are not leaving your parents, Megha. You are just gaining another family. We will always be with them and they will be always with us be it be near or far. "

" But why do they have to go away.... They could have stayed here instead of going back . There they will be all alone....Why don't they understand...."

As she spoke out what actually she is disturbed  about,  I interrupted,

" Why don't  you understand?"

She looked at me perplexed by my question.

" I agree they are our parents and we always wish for them to be near us but what about their dreams. Acha(Father) always wanted to settle in his ancestral home but for both of your studies , he came here. Now when he feels like both of you are settled, he wants to live his dream. What is wrong in that? If it is a parents responsibility  to support their children in their passion then isn't it children's duty to give back that same encouragement.....If you remain like this , they won't be able to go happily..."

" Megha, there is nothing wrong in wanting your loved ones to be near you but sometimes we need to keep their wish above us...Till now they fought for your happiness but now it's your turn to do the same"

Megha just sat there listening  to me. After a while she nodded her head as the meaning of my words began to sink in.

" Thank you...."

" For what..."

" For taking my unnecessary  tantrums and making me understand...."

" If not to me to whom will you show your tantrums, my dear wife" I asked with a mischievous glint in my eye

" Really.... "

" Really....and now can I at least ask for a beautiful smile from my gorgeous  wife on our first night...."

I saw a blush creep onto her cheeks hearing my words. The smile which spread on her lips was just magical. If she was gorgeous earlier,  now with the  blush and smile, she was breathtaking.  To be honest , my ego was stroked knowing that I put that color on her cheeks.

" You must be tired... It was really hectic today. Take rest..."

As I got up to go, she held my hands stopping me.

" Thank you for coming into my life....Thank you for going with your gut...Thank you for fighting for us....Thank you JEET" 

As she spoke, her each word were making my heart bloom with joy. I slowly pulled her towards me and placed my lips on her forehead.  My lips lingered there for a while as I embraced the sweetness of the moment. 

As we parted, we both had a smile on our lips while our eyes held the emotions of our heart.

" You are most welcome, my JAAN"

This was the beginning  of our journey, I knew I had completely  fallen for her and I am waiting  for the time when she will reciprocate the same. Till then I will be the friend she needs .

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