Chapter 46

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Megha's POV

Pillars are said to be the strength of a house but what happens if the same are exposed to harsh environment continuously. 

The answer is simple. It will break and will bring the whole house down.

Jeet's revelation last night had left me
staggering. The regret was laying heavily on me that unknowingly I became the reason for this broken home.

From that moment. I have started noticing Anita Chettathi.  She has completely withdrawn into a shell. Neither she talks nor sits with us, just completes her work silently. Sometimes it doesn't feel like even she is in the same room.

What made the guilt unbearable was the blank look in her eyes. Not able to withstand this pain, I went to my go to person.

"Meera, what do I do? If what we think is the truth then I made a big mistake"

I began to sob unconsolably and she let me do so. Once I calmed down a bit , I could hear her soothing voice from the other end

" Whatever happened happened, Megha. You can't change the past but it is in your control what happens in the future. Who better than me could understand what your sister in law is going through. She is not cut off because she is angry but just protecting herself from further pain. Take a page from Deva's book and start on the path of redemption. Your guilt will not take away her anguish but your repentence may repair her broken heart"

"Will she be ever able to forgive us?" I asked nervously

" You used to hate Deva for what he did to me but now you consider him your brother, what changed, Megha?"

I was flabbergasted by her question.

"Because.....because....he didn't back down. He took responsibility of his sins and atoned it"

" it's your turn....."


I was still unsure of how to proceed when I heard the teasing tone of my best friend

" You can ask Deva for tips.... By the by, you and your brother are becoming too alike for my comfort..."

"Oh...please...You love us....I think, KNOW  for sure that you forgave him because he reminded you of me" I pulled up my imaginary collar after my self praise

" Oh...really"


Then we both broke out laughing. I felt so relaxed. Only Meera could do that . I felt so grateful that I got a friend like her.


"Hey...don't you start thanking me...It doesn't suit you" she teased but then on a serious note she continued, " We are all here, Megha.Heal your family. It will not be easy but it is a battle worth fighting for. Sometimes broken pieces can be put together in such a way that it outshines its previous beauty....Keep faith and remember, in this journey, your Anita Chettathi too needs a Megha"

The talk with Meera had brought a new perspective for me. Keeping aside my regret, I took the first step for my penance.

I stood looking at Raj Chettan who was staring at the night as if the  darkness cloaked him in comfort but his eyes spoke volumes of his pain

"Raj Chettta..."

He jerked around in surprise hearing my voice.


His gaze was confused but still gave me a warm smile which did not quite reach his eyes.

" From the time we have come, I didn't get a chance to talk to you, so thought to take the opportunity today"

" Megha, you can talk to me anytime
I am always there for my family"

" Even for Chettathi?"


We could both feel the echo of the worst words uttered ever.  Raj Chettan closed his eyes to the pain rippling through him as I stood witness to his agony.



We both said simultaneously

"Why are YOU sorry?"  he asked me in astonishment

"If not me, then who would be? Knowingly or unknowingly I became the reason for your sufferings"


"We may have been wrong. I think Chettathi is innocent" I blurted out in a single breathe and bowed down my head in shame.

A poignant silence followed my statement. The tension was so palpable that I began getting fidgety but I was unprepared for what I heard next.

" I know"

I stared at him wide eyed on his quiet confession

He turned to me and a gasp automatically escaped my mouth seeing the naked pain in his eyes.

" I have been married to Anita for 9 years now and I am aware of each and every nuances of her. I know she is innocent. "

"Then why....?" I trailed off as I was  still in shock hearing him

"That day it was not her husband but Abhi's brother who stood before her. I have seen both your sufferings and knowing she may have been a reason, even inadvertently made me broke out in rage. It took me a while to calm down but by then everything changed...... I don't have any justification for the words I spoke, it was not a mistake but a sin. I still don't know how I spoke those wretched words. Just that moment only picture in front of me was my Abhi's shattered face..... "

Releasing a resigned sigh, he turned towards the dark night but there was a slight smile on his lips.

" 9 years ago when we were forced into this relationship, I never in my dreams thought that,  that timid girl will one day rule my heart. I have never been expressive like Abhi or Ram but still she always understood my silent words. Initial phase of our marriage was rough, more for her than me but she never complained. Whenever I returned tired and exhausted from office, I would always find her waiting for me with that serene smile of hers. That one look was enough to calm and erase all my fatigue. Slowly and steadily we brought our life on track . It took work , Megha, and I will give all credit to Anita. Then she gave me Ammu making us complete in every sense....."

His eyes filled up but keeping them within, he further continued.

"I know that she won't do what you accused her of but her guilt stricken face told me another story and I reacted on impulse. Still I should have restrained, after all I am the oldest and the most matured..." he muttered the last statement with a sarcastic laugh.

"When Amma told me of your decision to leave home , it send me down on another guilt trip. By the time sense prevailed to talk to her, she had closed herself off. I tried to reach her but failed. In the past 3 years, she has lost her smile and I lost my solace....."

This time Raj Chettan didn't stop the tears from flowing out. It was not only his hurt but guilt that had taken the form of tears.

"Raj Chetta, we are her culprit but we can't sit back hand in hand. We need to bring her back. We already lost so much due to misunderstanding and miscommunication but not anymore. Will you help us to heal the wounds?"

He glanced at me and gave a smile in gratitude albeit a weak one but still a smile that finally brought a shine to his eyes.

"Thank you ,Megha. Maybe you will succeed where I failed. I will always be there for you especially if you can bring back my peace, my Anita "

" She has to come back and she will" I vowed, "afterall she is the silent strength of this family, the pillar "

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