Chapter 6

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Megha's POV

" Chechi( Sister).... Meenu Chechi...." I screamed as I rushed into our room

" Calm down....What is the matter? Why are you yelling?"

Meenu Chechi's eyes widen with surprise as I began to twirl her around with happiness.

" They have come..." I said finally catching my breath

" Who?" she asked puzzled

" Your Abhi , who else.... The whole family is here to ask your hand in marriage.... Amma has asked me to get you.... Ohhhh I am soooo excited" I was on top of the world today. My sister's love story is finally getting fulfilled .

I started rummaging the cupboard for the perfect dress but seeing no response I turned to see her in serious thought

" What happened, Chechi?... Are you not happy" I asked worried

" Nothing like that... I just want to tell Thank YOU and sorry....Now come on make me pretty" .

After giving her beautiful smile , she moved away to get ready leaving me in confusion.

" I understand the thank you but why sorry?"

" Oh hello... Come on help me get ready"

Berating myself for the unnecessary thoughts , I went to help my sister.

" It has been a pleasure to meet you all. I am Veena, this is my husband Mohan Krishna , our kids, Raj, Ram and Abhi and our eldest daughter in law and Raj's wife, Anita "

We were all gathered in the sitting room of our house when Aunty introduced their family to us

" Its nice meeting you all too. As you may know this is our small family . Myself Pramod, my wife Lakshmi and our two daughters, Meena and Megha." Acha( Father) introduced us to them.

" We don't need to beat around the bush. As you know, we came to ask your daughter's hand in marriage for our son. Hope you don't have any problem with that" said Mohan Uncle

" If children are ok with that, we also don't have any issue. Afterall it is their life and they have to live together" Acha replied

If it were not for the guests sitting there, I would have jumped up and down in happiness.

" You should be thankful to me. This is all happening because of me"

" I agree. This is all happening because of YOU only"

I looked at Meenu Chechi quizzically as I sensed some other emotion behind it. I looked at her closely but then seeing her open smile, I rejected it as my over imagination.

I looked over at Abhi to see his reaction and was surprised to notice him fidgeting with his fingers like he is worried over something . But what is there to worry, finally everything is falling in place . Both families have agreed and are also happy.

Suddenly, his voice interrupted my ponderings.

" If you all don't mind, can I say something. I want to clear everything before we move on" he sounded tense and edgy

Everyone looked at him as he got up and came near Meenu Chechi and me.

"Meena, we have known each other for the past few years. You have been a good friend and I really like you but...." he trailed off

From the moment he have started his speech, I was feeling odd and anxious

" What do you want to say? Say clearly" Meenu Chechi's voice made me look over to her. I could sense she was also uneasy about this sudden situation.

" What I want to say is that I like you Meena but.... maybe not enough to marry you. "

I was shocked by his confession and I looked at Meenu Chechi who looked like she was controlling all her emotions and trying her best not to break down.

" What are you saying? But.... but... we other" I could hear her voice breaking at the end.

I closed my eyes to control the anger coursing through my body. My sister's heart was breaking and I couldn't do anything. I caught hold of her shoulder to silently provide her with my strength while throwing a dirty look at him . If it was not for the elders, I would have shown what I could do for bringing tears in my sister's eyes.

" Why are you silent?...Say something ... Doesn't 3 years of our relationship mean anything to you" Chechi was pleading before this insensitive person who didn't think once before insulting her in front of all. He even didn't have the decency to break off in private.

" No Meena... you are taking me wrong... Those 3 years are precious to me ... so are you . I thought YOUR ABHI's heart beats for you but I was wrong...."

Before he could continue , we heard someone coughing badly. We all turned to look at Abhi's brother Ram

" I something....stuck..." he looked flustered like he would like to be anywhere else

Won't we all, I mentally scoffed

For a moment , there was an awkward silence which was broken by Abhi as he continued his torture on my poor sister

"Meena, I know this is a shock to you but it is better that we face the truth early on. I love you but I am not in love with you and that is the hard fact" saying this he lowered his eyes as he is ashamed of himself as should be.

" Who is she?"

Everyone turned to Meena Chechi. She was asking it so matter of factly but I knew how much in pain she would be.

" Meena.... I.." Before Abhi could continue Meena Chechi interrupted,

" Don't you dare lie to me. Like you said we know each other for the past few years. If you suddenly feel like you have never been in love with me then there must be someone who made you realize that, right?"

" I don't want to hurt you..." he said sadly

" You already did . So please at least be honest with me. Tell me , who is the girl?"

" She is not a calm breeze but a roaring storm . She is not the soft glow of light but a ball of fire. She sure is a cute kitten until her claws come into play. She is not at all like the usual girls , maybe thats why I fell in love with her on first sight" Abhi was saying all of this so dreamily that I would have loved to punch him to wipe that stupid smile off his face.

As if realizing where he is standing, he gathered himself and continued,

" I never believed in love at first sight until I saw her. Always thought our understanding and friendship is love but the emotions I felt with her was something that I never felt with you. Trust me when I say that I never wanted to hurt you. This is better in the long run"

" You still didn't tell me , who is the girl?"

Abhi looked at me nervously and then at Meenu Chechi. He then took a deep breath and said,

" Your sister, Megha"

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