Chapter 11

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Megha's POV
One week later

" What is going on here?" I turned to see Jeet standing near the kitchen door looking at both his father and me weirdly

" What? We are just making tea"

He just raised his eyebrows mockingly  which made me ammend my statement

" I meant Acha( Father) is making tea"

" What is this Megha? You are letting Acha make tea, have some shame" I turned to look at Meenu Chechi who came at the moment along with Ram Chettan and Amma.

While Ram Chettan( Brother), Amma and Acha were having a smile on their face, Meenu Chechi  looked resigned and Jeet astounded.

" Why are you all looking at me like that? I am only following your instructions. " I defended myself

They all glanced at each other perplexed by what I said

" Acha ...Amma... you both only told me to consider you both as my own and I am not your daughter-in-law but daughter,right?"

" Yes...but...."

Even before Amma could finish her sentence I turned to Jeet

" You too said the same thing or was it just words" I asked agitated

" Of course not....I meant every single word" Jeet immediately said to calm me

Then I turned to Meenu Chechi,

" So if they are my parents, what did I do wrong?" I asked her

Everyone turned to her whereas she was staring  at me with open mouth.

" You are impossible...." finally she replied

" At home also, I love to have tea made by Acha only.... I don't like preparing  tea by myself" I explained matter of factly seeing the others still confused.

There was a stunned silence  which later turned into loud laughter. I could literally see Ram Chettan and Jeet holding onto each other to prevent falling down while laughing.

I felt bad seeing them laugh at me and bowed my head down as my eyes welled up.

" Ouch... Amma..."

" It really hurts..."

I looked up to see Amma smacking both Ram Chettan and Jeet.

" You both deserve it. Why are you laughing at my daughter. She did the most sweetest thing and you are making fun of her.." Amma asked in fake anger

" Sweetest thing....?" they asked simultaneously

" Of course.... " Saying this she came up to me and caressed  my head lovingly and continued,
"After marriage, every daughter in law will SAY that they consider their in laws  their own but here Megha SHOWED that we are her own"

Hearing her, the unshed tears started to fall one by one and I hugged her tightly.

We don't need big gestures to prove our love. A small action or words are enough to convey what the other person means to us.

" Why are you crying ...? Because  of these idiots?" I nodded no and with my arms around her neck I said,

" I was missing  Amma and Acha badly but now I know I don't need to..."

I felt a hand on my head and turned to see Acha offering me his silent support

" Only you two love me but they don't " I said while pointing  to the three standing in front of us , " Even my sister changed soooo much after marriage" I complained like a kid

"Oh..ho...... I will show you how much I don't  love you..."

Recognizing  that Meenu Chechi is not going to leave me scot free  , I started running away but my bad luck Jeet joined hands with my sister

" You are not going to escape from us... "

I was trying my level best to get away when I saw Raj Chettan and Anita Chettati coming my way. I rushed and hid behind them. As expected , Meenu Chechi stopped her chase but still Jeet was behind me . We both were playing peek a boo with Chettathi in between until she called a time out.

Seeing our cat and mouse chase, all the others had a hearty laugh.

Nowadays this has become our norm. I have also come to realize that I have finally found a home far from home.

Author's POV
Three months later

" It's been so long that you have visited us.... This time you should stay with us for a while" Mohan said

Everyone was happy today as they received  one good news after another. Raj and Anita had delivered  the news that they are expecting and also the eldest in the family, Mohan Krishna's elder sister, Sumitra has come to visit.

" Of course and after hearing such a good news , how could I stay away"

" Chechi(Sister), you came at the right time. We all missed you during the weddings but now you must stay till the baby is born" Veena asked her sister-in-law

" Veena, if I could I would have come for the wedding but what to do my health did not support me to travel. By the by where are the new brides?"

" Meena ....Megha.... take blessings from Chechi.... " Veena called her new daughter-in-laws , " They are really lucky for us. See within three months of their entry, we are blessed with such a good news"

" Amma, why are you giving us the credit. All the work is done by Raj Chettan( Brother) and Chettathi( Sister-in-law) so the credit purely belongs to them"

For a moment, everyone was flustered by what Megha said. Jeet face palmed himself while Raj and Anita turned red with both embarrassment and shyness. Before she could continue with any of her blunders Meena pinched Megha on the side to make her stop and Amma intervened to change the topic

"Anita, you show Chechi the room we prepared  "

Being the elder, Mohan Krishna's sister was always very strict and set in her own ways. She believes daughter-in-laws should be very docile like Anita, so hearing Megha speak openly , she was very much offended. She wanted to rebuke her then and there but knew her brother to be very supportive of his daughters as he calls them , so she kept her mouth shut. 

"Appachi( Father's elder sister), you take rest... I will come to see you later"  Anita said after showing Sumitra  her room

" Anita, you sit with me for a while.  In front of all , I couldn't properly talk to you..." Sumitra called Anita back and made her sit beside her.

She then began asking Anita about all that happened in her absence especially about Megha and Meena.

" Hmmm... from what you have told, these sisters have woven some magic over everybody. "

" No...No... Appachi .. they are really good. I feel like I have got two sisters " Anita replied with a smile

" Sister-in-laws don't become sisters . Don't you remember how long it took for Mohan and Veena to accept you but they within no time have become everyone's favorite  especially this Megha. Didn't you see how Veena was quick to give praise for this good news to them rather than you. "

Hearing Sumitra's toxic words, Anita's smile faltered. She had brought back into Anita's mind the initial phase of her marriage which she always wanted to forget.

"Beware of these sisters....Dont let them take your position. You are elder to them and they should respect and obey you "

With a forced smile Anita nodded her head and left the room.

It is the truth that words are mightier than a sword. With a chosen few words Sumitra have poisoned an innocent mind. Due to her orthodox and prejudiced mindset, Sumitra  herself was not able to identify that she is destroying her beloved brother's family while playing on the insecurities  of a naive girl.

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