Chapter 25

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Abhijeet's POV

" Take care of her, Abhi"

" She needs you... Be with her"

" This too shall pass but don't let her break"

Giving different instructions, everyone went their way but I stood near the door gazing at her.

The sound of her laughter on the day we confirmed our pregnancy is still booming in my ears as I stare at her face which is devoid of any emotions related to joy.

The eyes which always sparkled with mischief is now with tears of pain

The heart which I promised to protect is home to shattered dreams.

" Jeet...."

A lone tear fell from my eye as her somber voice reached me.

She stretched her arms beckoning me and I rushed towards her, taking her in my arms to share the pain of our lost dream.

Don't know how long we sat engulfed in each other. Finally, pulling apart, I placed a lingering kiss on her forehead in comfort. She closed her eyes , letting the tears to fall.

Wiping it away, I lifted her chin and as our eyes clashed, I said with full conviction

" Everything  will be better. I am there with you .....always..."

She smiled weakly at my attempt to console

" Let it out, Jeet. I am also there to hold YOU"

I looked at her in surprise and confusion

She cupped my face in her hands and kissed my forehead .

" From the moment I came to know of our loss, I found myself surrounded by our family. I will not lie , they have been a pillar of strength. Pampering me.... consoling me.....advising me that maybe this was not our destiny..... They have all been so understanding  in knowing the needs of a who her ch..ild.... " she trailed off  as a sob escaped her lips.

" Jaan...." I tried to interrupt

Her face depicted how much difficult it was for her and this was crushing my heart.

" Please let me speak , Jeet"

The plea in her eyes got to me and I let her speak out her agony.

"They let me cry, they let me vent... they never let me alone. Even now they asked the husband in you to take care of me. I am really fortunate  to get a family like yours and a husband like you to keep me above everyone even you."

I scrunched  my eyebrows not understanding  where she was going with this

" Jeet, the mother in me may be lost but the wife can never be. It has become a norm in the society that when a mother losses her child in her womb, every hand extends to her support but what about the FATHER?"

My eyes widened  in astonishment while she continued

" It is not only the mother but the father also looses his baby.

When a baby is conceived, a mother makes the connection through her body but doesn't the father makes it through his dreams and hopes?

A mother bleeds away when she looses that tiny life in her but doesn't the father too bleeds dry of his dreams?

Loss of a baby is mentally and physically exhausting  for a mother but how come it is any less for a father?

A mother is sad to loose a part of her, a wife is sad to loose a part of her soulmate ,  so will it not be the same for her better half?

Unknowingly, everyone expects the man in the relationship to stand strong in such a situation while the woman is exempted and allowed the break down. Why?

Is the baby any less to him than her?"

All through her dialogue, she was directly looking into my eyes giving me the strength to allow HER to absorb MY pain.

In that moment, the numbness that I have been feeling till now began to lift and the pain and despair came crashing down on me.

Finally, I broke down in my Jaan's arms . The tears that I kept at bay found its way down .

With my head buried deep in her midriff, I screamed out my anguish and she just let me be.

The bereavement  of a father and the helplessness of a husband all came out . It was not just tears but the fire burning  inside which took this form.

I was reliving each moment of my torture, creating a havoc within.

You are a failure

You are a failure

You are a failure

My inner voice was berating me for not being able to protect my family. 

" Ssshhhh.....Ssshhh.." She was rubbing her hands on my back soothing me while sobs continued racking throughout my body.

I clung to her, my lifeline as I vent out my pain, my frustration, my loneliness, my guilt, my helplessness.....

" You did not fail, Jeet"  she whispered

I lifted my head to stare at her with tear filled eyes. My face may have reflected my confusion on how she perceived my inner thoughts.

"I reside in you as you reside in mine. I can easily understand your inner turmoil. You have been pushing  yourself for the past two days , keeping it together especially for me. You kept everyone from breaking by being their strength. That does not sound like a failure."

She wiped the tear that continued to roll down.

" But Jeet, with me you are allowed to be weak. You call me your strength so let ME be the pillar for YOU to lean on. "

Her words were balm to my aching heart. I could feel a calmness settling inside me even when a cloud of sadness looms over.

To have a person who never judges you....
To have a person who hears your inner pain....
To have a person who soothes your wounds without your words.... is HEAVEN

In this hot dry dessert she is my oasis. Till now, the hurt had me in its grip but with her beside me I know we can overcome this slap of destiny.

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