Chapter 51

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Megha's POV

"You think you can fool us with this innocent act of yours"

I closed my fists while shooting bullets at Priya.

"We know you are behind what happened 3 years ago. You made Chettathi take the fall. Do you have any idea what these brothers can do for the stunt you pulled? All this....for get Jeet....."

"Tsch....tsch...tsch....! You still have not learn from the past, Megha. You are still that impulsive Megha. Jumping to conclusions.  Did Anita claim she is innocent?....Even if she is, how does it make me the culprit?...Do you have any proof that I did what you think I did?"

The condescending tone and the smirk was only increasing my anger but in a way she was correct. We don't  have any evidence . All we have are strong suspicions based on situation and my gut instincts.

"Megha, you are not even in the vicinity of the truth. Regarding Abhi, I don't want him. Never did"

Saying this she turned to go leaving me in a further deep maze.

"Then what do you want? Why are you here? " I yelled at her

The look she gave me was neither demeaning nor disrespectful instead it felt more pitying.

" I am not the villain in your story. Only thing I can advise you is to look around , you will find the answers. "

"You think I will listen to you. The girl who wants to hurt my family"

"Hurting is not in my nature but is sure in THIS family that you are defending so much. "

"What do you mean?"

" Don't you know" she asked with raised eyebrows, " I thought you soulmates shared everything"

The sarcasm was not lost on me. Ignoring the jab , I said firmly

" If you want to tell, speak clearly. No use in going in circles"

"Fine, Megha.Then listen. From our childhood,  it has been an unofficial agreement that Raj and I would get married but they broke it without any prior warning. How do you think what me and my family felt? What answers we have to give our close ones who were aware of it? Society don't care who was at fault, they just point fingers at the girl. What was my mistake?"

Shock would be an understatement to what I was feeling. 

I could sense the anger and hurt in her voice but two wrongs does not make it right.

" Priya, I agree it was not fair to you but the marriage was not in their control . You know the circumstances under which it happened. What do you expect them to do? Break the marriage...." I stopped as an alarming thought entered my mind

"  both each ....other?" I stumbled out the words

Priya stared at me on my question. There was an eerie silence which was increasing my turmoil by each second


I didn't know I was holding onto my breathe until I heard her answer

"No, we didn't love each other. To be honest, I was more close to Abhi . Don't take me wrong, he is my......WAS only my best friend. I also understand the circumstances but still I deserved an apology."

I stood closemouthed as for once she was right.

" Even if there was no romantic entanglement, I dreamt of being part of this family. So years later, when I was offered the opportunity, I took it. I agree, I was wrong. I was misguided into thinking Abhi was unhappy......... That day, I saw the extent of his your love. Not only did I fall in my eyes but I lost a friend too. But Megha, was it completely my fault . What about the person behind it? Everytime my dreams are getting butchered, is that right?"

" No, it is not right. But what are you doing now. An eye for an eye.  Revenge is never an answer"

" It was never about revenge"

" Then what is it about?"

" Sorry,  Megha.I can't answer your question"

" Why can't you?"

"Because I gave my word"

"To whom? Who are you protecting? I know it is someone from my family. Who is it? Is it Appachi?" I asked apprehensively

She just shaked her head in no , refusing to answer.By then I was exasperated by both Chettathi 's and her stubbornness .

They both know the truth and holding back. Why?

Author's POV

Megha was feeling like she was hitting wall at every turn. Talking to Priya has further muddled the situation.

If what she is saying is the truth, then she was wronged. Why didn't anyone tell her about this before? Does Chettathi know about it? Is she telling the truth regarding her feelings for both Raj Chettan and Jeet true?These were the questions roaming around Megha's mind.

With this battle between heart and mind, she could sense the onset of a headache when Anita banged into the room.

"Why can't you put these matters to rest, Megha? You and Abhi are back home, you both will soon bring Mehul, finally everything is coming together. What more do you want?" Chettathi asked with pleading eyes

"I need to know the whole truth"

" If truth leads to more heartache, it is better not to chase it"

" I agree but truth has a weird behaviour of coming out. It can never be hidden for long. If it comes out at the wrong time at the wrong place, then it can cause havoc in our lives. It may cause severe pain now but knowing beforehand we will be able to better control its effect and outcome"

"Sometime there is no right place and time for the truth.  It will still cause insurmountable damage"

With this warning, Anita left Megha to her thoughts.

The gravity in Anita's voice has further pushed Megha into a vortex of emotions.

Sensing a presence, she looked up into  the eyes of Jeet. The fear lurking behind those brownish eyes confirmed that he overheard Megha and Anita's  conversation.

What they have seen till now is just the tip of the iceberg.

What exactly is this truth?
What storm will it bring along?
Will Megha and Jeet be able to protect their family?
What impact will this have on THEIR life?

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