Chapter 36

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Megha's POV

"I never thought you to be so stubborn"


"Don't you dare play the victim"

"Aaahhhhh" I screamed out in frustration as Jeet's words began roaming  around in my mind

Overburdened  with pain and guilt , I began thrashing the room.

My hurt has taken the form of rage.

The room within minutes turned into a warfield

" Feeling better?"

A sudden voice stopped my hand midair from crashing a vase.

I turned to see Meenu Chechi gingerly entering the room avoiding the scattered pieces.

Without meeting her eyes,  I kept the vase nearby and sat on the floor

"What is the matter with you,Megha? Most importantly, what happened between both of you? In matters of concern, you are always the most logical person. So why are you acting ignorant?"

Without preamble, she addressed the crux of the issue right away.

"I am being ignorant.... You are also  blaming me....."

More than the tears brimming, my eyes were filled with hurt by the blame and I looked away in annoyance.

Releasing an exasperated  sigh, she  sat beside me and took my hand in hers.

"Megha, with Priya, when  everyone were hesitant to believe him , you trusted him unconditionally, so why not now? "

"It is not about is..."  I trailed off as I was suddenly lost for words

"Then what is it about?" She asked me gently and calmly

I looked at her with bewilderment not knowing what to say.

With the same calmness and patience she continued,

" Abhi stood with you at every juncture forgetting his own pain. For the last few months, I have seen how HIS main purpose was to bring that lost smile on your face. He bend forward and  backward for YOUR happiness and you are saying he is ignoring your pain....."

Her words sent shock waves through me as I remembered the words uttered in anger

"I accidentally heard you both that night....Do you think Abhi deserved it?"  She questioned me where I could only close my eyes in embarrassment.

Ignoring the look on my face, she further continued,

"Life is not a laddoo, it gives you lemons too. We can't stop what is coming at us but we sure can make the best out of it. I am not saying it is easy but it is also not difficult when you have such a loving partner by your side. Trust him to do the right thing,Megha. Don't loose what you have over something you don't "

"You are also telling me to forget Mehul"

My words reflecting my hopelessness and grief

Meenu Chechi immediately gathered me in her arms where I allowed myself to completely break down.


The pressure of the past few days and the heartache destiny dealt us with, all finally caught up to me as I cried out in pain .

She just held me as I blabbered out all the anguish bottled up inside me.

"Here, have this"

Meenu Chechi passed me a glass of water after I calmed down a little bit.

"I am not belittling your pain but neither can you..." she started explaining

"But I didn't... " I interrupted but stopped as soon as I saw her glare

"Yes , you did..... I know this period is difficult  for you so is it for Abhi. This is not the time for blame game but to stand together. If a kid can bring a couple together, sometimes loss of one can break them apart too. Please, Megha, don't let one tragedy lead to another disaster" she said firmly

"What should I do ,Chechi? I am going mad" I cried out in dejection.

"There is lot that you can do. First of all, you HAVE to pacify Abhi. Words have the strength to shatter you and that is what you did to him. He is not saying anything doesn't mean he is not in pain. You know how Appachi is. She is taking this opportunity to fill everyone's ears but Abhi ,even though you hurt him badly , is still taking stand for you"

I looked at her in surprise

"But... but... he also...don't...want"

With a warm smile she caressed my head and like a mother showed me the mirror.

" Megha, he never said never. He is not sure that's all. Usually women  think more emotionally while men tend to be more practical.  Abhi is also doing the same thing. Think rationally. Is it wise to bring a baby, who is in dire need of care, to this house now? If we are not able to withstand Appachi's taunts, how will a child flourish in such an atmosphere ? If you become helpless at any point, don't you think it will hurt you more at that time"

I was flabbergasted as realization hit me.

" He was, is and will always think about you and it is high time you SHOW him what he is to you. Sometimes actions are needed to give emphasis to the words"

Bombarded with the truth. I looked at Meenu Chechi with both regret and gratitude.

Sometimes a third person is able to show you what has been right in front of you all along.

" Thank you....." I whispered

" Everything will be fine. Just don't leave each other's hand. Instead of drawing swords at each other, use those to cut through the maze of life" 

With a parting hug and an understanding  smile , she left me to brood over my thoughts.

Looking back, I could see how wrong I was. For a while I forgot Jeet in my woes.

Finally wiping away the tears and with a determined mind, I promised myself to unwind the tangled threads......

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