Chapter 43

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Megha's POV

I am so excited to meet Mehul. It's been 3 years that I have not met my baby. He would have grown so big.... How would he look? Will he recognize me? All these questions were roaming around my mind as we made way to the orphanage.

"Hello Megha, How are you? It's been a long time. "

Seeing Savita Aunty brought back the last time we met but suppressing those memories down I gave a small smile while allowing Jeet to take the lead.

"Hi Aunty, we are doing good. We came here yesterday so thought to meet Mehul, if it's not too much trouble"

"Not at all Mr.Abhijeet. More than anyone you people have full rights on him and....I am really sorry for all that happened at our last meet"

Even though her last sentence was addressed to me, it didn't give me any solace but instead increased the agitation in me.

I clutched Jeet's hand tightly. Understanding my dilemma, Jeet placed his hand above mine in comfort while saying,

" We can't change what happened.  It's better we move on from it. It is not your fault maybe it is our destiny"

Recognizing our reluctance to talk on the topic, she without further ado asked us to follow her.

My trepidation was increasing with each step. My hold on Jeet tightened . Even though my nails were boring into him, without a single flinch, he  held me.

" There he is, the one in white t-shirt and navy blue trousers"

My legs gave away as I saw the dream which I thought would never become my reality. I would have definitely fallen down if not for Jeet.

Staring at my baby, his innocent eyes, his unadulterated smile, I slowly sat down drinking him with my eyes.


"Jeet ....our"

Saying this I broke down.I don't know whether it was due to the past pain or for the happiness standing in front but I just wanted to let everything out.

Jeet just wrapped his arms around me protectively and patiently waited as I washed out all the anguish and made myself ready to face the present and future.

"Are you ready to meet our son?" finally he asked

With my eyes struck on HIM, I nodded in yes at Jeet.

With slow steps we made our way to him. My heart and mind was at a turmoil. On one side, my mind was cautioning to proceed slow but the mother in me wants to listen to my heart and wrap him in my cocoon and never let him go.

Between all this to and fro, I didn't realise when I reached beside him until I heard that one word which brought my world to a stand still.


I stood shocked as a pair of little hands hugged me tightly. Still reeling from the after effects, I kneeled down before my bundle of joy, wide eyed.

Filled with happy tears and heart exploding with happiness, I tried to speak but my shivering lips could not get a single word out.

"Amma, you came.... you came...
You finally came..... " Saying this he cradled into my arms.

Wrapping his tiny arms around my neck, he turned his doe like eyes to me ,

"Will you again leave your Mehul alone?"

Still in shock , I was not able to form any words and not hearing any answer from me, I saw his lips wobble and his eyes filling up which immediately brought me out of my stupor.

" No... baby.... Amma is never going to leave behind her precious....never...
never again" I hurried to pacify him before even a single tear could make his way down

I secured him protectively against my chest finally experiencing the feeling of completeness. 

"Yay...I am going to live with my Amma....yay...." he yelled out while his lips broke out into a radiant smile

I could only keep staring at the unbounded delight on his face when I saw his expression change.

His eyes lit up further as he pulled away and dashed past me on his little legs


Before he could hurt himself, Jeet picked him in his arms.

Like with me, he hugged Jeet too and kept his head on his shoulder as if he has been doing it all his life while Jeet just closed his eyes in contentment.

I could only sit gazing with all my love at the duo who have my whole heart

I never realised that until he called me Amma that I had this fear in me of not ever being part of his life but that one word had erased all that.

Seeing Jeet , I recognized that I was not alone in that journey. We both looked at each other and shared an understanding smile.

" You also came to take me home with you?" His innocent question tore at my heart

If everything had gone well, then my baby would have grown beside me. Alas! It was not written in fate but this time I will not let destiny play it's cruel game.

I rushed to his side and taking him into my arms, I started kissing my baby

" Amma is ne...ver to le..ave you sw...eet swee..t"

Tears unknowingly made it's way down and my words faltered while reassuring my baby

His innocent face shined immediately but then tilting his head to a side and with a cute pout he asked,

"Why are you crying then? "

"Because Amma is sorry for leaving you earlier"

" It's OK... you had impor..impor..."

Seeing him struggle,  Jeet supplied uncertainly


" Yes...important work" His face brightened on able to say the word and wiped away my tears

"I dont like you crying,Amma. Now we all will  be  together"  he stated in his innocent voice bringing a smile to my lips

Till now Jeet was silently observing our interaction but now he asked gently,

" Baby, who told you about us?"

With another brilliant  smile he replied,

"My Angel"

Note: Dedicated to all my lovely readers who patiently wait for my updates.

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