Chapter 26

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Megha's POV

" Hi Vaave( Baby). Amma and Acha miss you a lot......"

I was staring at the brightest star in the sky. It's been 5 months to the incident but it feels like yesterday.

"Today was your Valiyamma's( Mother's elder sister) baby shower. She  looked ethereal. Your brother or sister will be here soon. If not for that day, we would also have been waiting eagerly for your arrival...."

" Jee..t....our am"

I closed my eyes as memories of that day flashed across  my mind. A lone tear made its way down my cheek.

Suddenly, I felt familiar warm fingers wiping away my tears. I leaned back into that embrace while my healer's arms wound around my waist.

" Vava and Amma having conversations  without Acha.... Not fair" Jeet complained while keeping his chin on my shoulder.

"It is not our fault if Acha is late"

"Vaave, don't come in your Amma's words. Acha is never late but the fact is Amma is early today"

" I missed our baby too much today"

The words left before I could stop. The change in the atmosphere was instant.

I just turned in his arms, keeping my head on his chest. He brought both his arms and held me tightly.

" Me too...." his whisper was the final straw as the tears which I had held at bay began flowing continuously.

It's  true that we accepted the decision of our destiny but still it is difficult  for any parent to forget their first child conceived in love.

" Does it make us bad if we feel sad?"

His question bought me out of my reverie.

I lifted my head to look at him.
His blood shot eyes were telling a story of it's own.

" I am really happy for them, Jaan but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the what ifs. I have accepted the strike from fate but still there is an ache  in my heart that refuses to die down"

My hold on him further tightened to assuge the pain ripping through my heart as I replied,

"I was scared to stand there more than necessary. I didn't  want to see the sympathetic  glances. Maybe they wish us good but their questions and consolations only serve to resurrect the pain and highlight our loss. I feel bad for us but it doesn't mean we don't wish them good.....  No, it just makes us human"

I stopped to control the emotions coursing through me.

" We can never forget our Vava, Jeet . She/ He will always be our first baby.

Jeet kissed me on my forhead in comfort and I couldn't resist the curve of my lips.

His touch is my nirvana. I could fight the gravest of the grave pain if I have him beside me. I shudder to think of my future without him.

"Vaave, we love you . You will always be a part of us. Even though we had only a little time with you. You will never be forgotten"

The love was evident in each words he spoke

"You will always be remembered  with a smile"  I added

Hearing me, he looked at me proudly and with all the love in his heart

" What....?"

" You make my life easy and beautiful.  I love you my Jaan"

He flashed his brilliant smile which has been missing  for a while. In that instant, I realized that Jeet has finally started crossing the barrier of grief.

" I love you, Jeet . You are the anchor that keep me grounded"

We both smiled at each other as freely as the Megha and Abhijeet before the incident rocked our world.

The guilt and pain was slowly lifting.

I caught  hold of his hand tightly and with my head on his shoulder, we stared at the star

" We love you now and forever"  we spoke simultaneously

The star twinked back in response

Later, I was sitting leaning on the headboard of the bed while Jeet had gone to freshen up.

" Ammu.... Come baby.... Today Kunjamma( Mother's  younger sister or Father's brother's wife) will give you food"

Before Ammu could come to me, Chettathi took her in her arms

" No need, Megha........I mean nowadays she has become very fussy.  It won't be possible for you. I will give her the food. You take care"

Saying this she took Ammu to her room.

" Jaan ....Jaaan..."

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't realize Jeet was calling me .

He snapped his fingers in front of me to being me to the present.

" Oye Madam.... Where are you lost?"

I forced a smiled while shaking my head in no but this is Jeet, who could read me like an open book.

"Jaan...." he questioned seriously

He rarely takes that voice with me but when he does, I am never able to go against it.

" Did you notice anything  strange with Chettathi?" I asked

Getting a question instead of the answer he expected, Jeet raised his eyebrow astounded.

" What do you mean?"

"From the time of my accident, Chettathi  has become more silent and gloomy. I didn't notice it at first but now it is becoming more evident. She never lets me anywhere near Ammu. If I ask she just tells me that I won't be able to handle her and to take rest and this is not just with me . She does the same to Meenu Chechi too. "

I put forth the confusion in my heart

"Yes , I have noticed her silence but I thought it is normal after what happened. She is also a mother, she may also have gotten scared. Regarding Ammu, I think she is just taking extra precautions with you and Meenu Chechi "

" I hope so"

Rubbing  the frown lines on my forehead. Jeet engulfed me in his arms.

"What other reason could it be?" he said and then continued in a mocking tone "Don't fry your small brain more than it should be"

" Small brain ........"

I whacked him on his arm hearing him teasing me

" Ouch ....Jaan... It is hurting..."

"It is meant to hurt only"

Saying this I lied down to sleep , turning myself away from Jeet

" Areee.... you got angry... Sorry baba. I will not tease you anymore today ok?"

" Still you won't say that you will never tease me?" I turned to stare at him with disbelief

" I never promise what I can't keep. Never teasing you is like living without breathing. "

I could hear the smile in his voice as he replied. He then wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards him with his front glued to my back.

" So.... forgiven..?"  he again asked and this time I could see a pout forming on his lips.

How could anyone deny someone when he is so cute.

While pinching both his cheeks, I said with a smile.

" Forgiven, my prince"

My words were followed by kisses on both his cheeks.

Cuddling in my husband's ams, I closed my eyes to slip away into a sweet world praying that whatever spark of suspicion in my heart is nothing and will never rise into a fire which may destroy everything in it's way.

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