Chapter 42

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Abhijeet's POV


Amma's eyes were brimming with tears as she saw me standing at her doorsteps after 3 whole years.


Before I could continue, she embraced me in her arms tightly and began to weep inconsolably.

"Amma... Amma...." I tried to pacify her but failed

I looked around at all the pairs of eyes who were staring at us with different levels of emotions.

Seeing my helplessness, Ram Chettan came forward

"Amma, why are you crying now? You were the one who used to stand strong through these years but now when your Abhi is in front of you , you are breaking down. Not at all done."

Hearing him, she pulled back from me but without leaving my hand

"You are right. I should be welcoming my son and daughter with smiles not tears" Amma said while wiping off the moisture from her eyes.

It was a bittersweet moment for me as I stood staring at the four walls of my home.

All the memories of my childhood , my pranks with my brothers,  my fights with them were all there along with the heartbreaks especially the hurt of the last few days we spent here.

I turned around as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

My eyes clashed with the painful eyes of Raj Chettan. All was forgotten in that moment as we crashed into each other in a tight bear hug. Our eyes were overflowing with the emotions of our heart.

All around us, we could see our family with smiles on their lips.

Finally, we were all together.

" this Bharat milap , don't forget me"

We separated on hearing the whining voice of Ram Chettan.

" You are a father to a kid . Have some shame" Raj Chettan childed him

" Even if I have grandchildren, I will always remain younger to you, so still will have full rights to complain "

Everyone broke out into laughter as Raj Chettan beckoned him over and we three hugged each other after a very long time.

It was a while before I could step into my room, my abode.

It was exactly the same as I left. My eyes were gazing each nook and corner, absorbing the feeling of home when two hands wrapped around me from behind making me complete.


I glanced at Jaan over my shoulder. She raised her eyebrow in question sensing my intent stare.

Without any warning, I pulled her making her fall on my chest. She clenched my shirt tightly and gasped at me in surprise.

I just gave her a mischievous grin and hugged her while nuzzling my nose into the crook of her neck.

I then sensually began tracing my nose from her neck to her ears . Her little moans igniting the pleasure in me. Not resisting the urge, I started sucking on her earlobe, earning a loud groan.

" hubby is becoming romantic!"  Her sexy voice reached my ears but as soon as her words registered through the sexual haze, I raised my head offended

"I am always romantic"

Suddenly, her full blown laughter filled the room.

"Oh my cutie pie...."

I yelped in fake pain as she pulled my cheeks. She just stood there giving her infamous smile totally ignoring my glare .

"Hats of to you to spoil the romantic mood" I muttered angrily and turned to go but she pulled me back into her arms.

With her arms around my neck, she moved closer and placed a slow kiss on my cheek .

I closed my eyes to savour the feel.

" Jeet...."

Her overwhelmed voice made me look at her in bewilderment.

"Missed you Abhi...."

My stare further turned quizzical at her statement

" In all these years , my Jeet stood by me but somewhere I lost my best friend,Abhi. If I had any idea that I will get him back by coming here, I would have done it long back"

Her voice were heavy with regret but I wouldn't have it if my Jaan bears this unwanted burden

" Don't you dare blame my Jaan. He was not lost, for the time being he let Jeet take the driving wheel. It is not just about coming back, it is about taking the time to heal before moving forward " I explained lovingly but sternly

" I love you,Jeet.... I love you sooooooo much"

I let out a laugh at her enthusiastic declaration as we lost ourselves in OUR place.



"I want to see Mehul..."

Immediately, I pulled back. My concern took precedence over everything. Sensing the change in my stance, she held my cheeks in her hands before continuing,

" I will not fall weak this time. I will fight as long as I have you with me" she vowed

Her pleading eyes were my downfall. I don't know whether it was too soon or not but as always I followed my heart.

" I am with you....always and forever...."

Even though with one sentence she had soothed my unvoiced fear to an extent but I couldn't  completely let it go.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I accepted that until and when we rested the past, it will always come to torment us.

Staring down at Jaan safely nestled in my arms, I made a promise.

A promise to clear the air and get back my COMPLETE family. I sealed it with a loving kiss on her forehead

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