Chapter 24

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Abhijeet's POV


" Jaaan....."


" Everything will be fine...."

" I am sorry..."

Last 48 hours seems like a blur. Only the shouting , the screaming and....the blood....lots and lots of it...were roaming in my head. My heart still shudders thinking about the doctor's words.

"Mr. Abhijeet, your wife has had a nasty fall and to top it all she is pregnant. We will try our level best "

" Please doctor . Nothing should happen to Megha "

After giving a consoling pat, he went inside.

While my Jaan was fighting for her life and dreams, outside I was breaking from inside.

" Nothing will happen to her , Abhi"

" I will not be able to survive without her, Chettathi " I hurled myself into her arms and wept inconsolably.

My fears and pain were making me weak. I want my Megha.... I want my strength back.

I was not able to forget the picture of Jaan lying in her own pool of blood which was giving me shivers all through my body.

" Don't  Abhi.  Our Megha is a fighter and she loves you too much to give you such a pain"

"She won't leave me,right?"

My anguish was evident in the question which  brought tears to Chettathi's eyes but wiping it away she stood by me as my support and strength.

" No. She will not" she replied sternly and confidently

I took as much comfort as I can from her one answer while we waited for the doctor.

Life has thrown a curve ball when I least expected. I wanted to scream out my agony but somehow everything is stuck within.

"I am sorry . We couldn't save the baby . Your wife suffered a miscarriage "

Eventhough it was feeling like I was bleeding  from every pore, I have become numb to the pain.

I feel empty as I stared at the dark night sky which was reflecting my inner state.

It was a bittersweet condition. My strength is back but my hope died.

Should I cry in relief or pain.
Should I be thankful or thankless
Should I accept the fate or blame it

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes as I recognized the hands which used to comfort me when I was little.

Feeling the familiar warmth, I kept my head on his lap which still had the power to provide me the relief I craved.

" I don't have words to console you but just know that I am here to catch you when you fall..." Acha said while rubbing my back.

"I will never say I understand what you are going through because I can't. Nobody can unless that person have been in your shoes. But I know one thing...." Acha stopped

He looked at me to ensure I had his full attention before continuing

".... Either we must have the courage to change the situation in our favor or have the strength to accept and move on. "

There was complete silence for a while after his statement.  He gave me time to process . Finally, I broke my silence

" How? Ou..r dre..ams.... How cou..ld I for..get the bli..nk of an eye" I asked with difficulty trying to keep the emotions in.

"Who asked you to forget "

I stared at him confused

" Abhi, you have to first learn to accept the reality. That itself is enough for now. That's all we can do for now. It is just not about you, Megha is also with you in this journey. It is your responsibility to make sure that she doesn't fall"

" I am not able to face her, Acha. She trusted me with her life but I am such...a fail...ure..." My pain was making itself known with each words

" You can't fall weak . This is the crucial time when Megha needs her husband by her side.... Become her strength"

I was aware of what Acha was trying to convey but somewhere my mind and heart has lost it's connection.

The tornado inside me was leaving a wreck behind but thinking about Jaan, I pulled myself up to keep the destruction confined in me.

Acha was right. This moment Jaan needs me more.

" Abhi, go to Megha. Everyone is there but still her eyes are searching for you"

Releasing an exhausted breathe, I got up to go to my Jaan.

Standing at the threshold, I looked in while gathering the courage to absorb her pain. The fake smile on her face did nothing to hide the anguish reflected in her eyes.

From the time, the doctor told me of our baby, I was operating on auto pilot. We didn't even get the chance to grieve together as one or the other family members were always around her.

Once we reached home also, she was being surrounded . That is why I made the escape to clear my heart of its turmoil  when Acha found me.

Sensing my gaze , she looked up and at that moment , I cursed myself . Giving into the counsel of others, I forgot to prioritize my Jaan's needs

Her eyes spoke volumes of what she craves at the moment.  It was me,  JUST ME....

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