Chapter 18

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Megha's POV

Mature Content

I lost myself in the kiss. No one could ever prepare you for the real thing neither books nor imaginations.

I was breathing heavily by the time we broke apart. My eyes clashed with his brooding eyes, darkened with desire.
The naughty and mischievous Jeet was long gone replaced by this primal man seeking to claim his own.

The air around us cracked with sexual energy while our silence spoke a language of its own.

My lips were still tingling from the kiss, our first kiss. I lowered my eyes not wanting him to read the craving for more in mine.

He tipped my chin up and I closed my eyes in shyness while my cheeks adjourned with a crimson red. This time his thumb traced my lips . His touch evoking the embers of desire. By the time, he stopped his exploration of my lips, I was shivering with need.

Suddenly, a loud sound of thunder broke me from my reverie. Before we could comprehend what was happening , we were completely drenched. Instead of dwindling the rising passion, it only acted as a catalyst to erupt the fire burning within us. I could see and feel the blazing hunger not in his eyes but in his every fibre. I understood he was holding himself back by a thin thread JUST FOR ME. That thought itself made my heart overflow with love.

" We need to go inside" my voice was faint against the rumbling thunder.

I was not sure whether he heard me but as I felt his hold loosen , I turned to go inside.

At the threshold, I looked back waiting for him. He was still standing in the downpour with his eyes closed and face upwards as if to receive the rain . The shirt was completely stuck like a second skin to him showing off his abs to the world.

I gulped down the sudden rush of longing as my eyes sought out his.

When he saw me flinch at the next sound of thunder, he too followed me inside with a smile of understanding....

My hands were shivering as I TRIED to remove my bangles.

" May I?" a seductive whisper near my ear send goosebumps throughout my body . The coldness in front and his heat from back was making it intolerable for me to control my wayward heart.

With slow and steady hands , he made me sit in front of the mirror and himself kneeled down. His eyes were gazing at me as he removed my bangles one by one.

His fiery eyes were doing something inside me that I didn't want to introspect.

Suddenly, I felt his lips on my wrist. For each bangle he removed, he sucked on the water drops clinging to my skin.

I closed my eyes to the feeling coursing through me. After relieving my one hand of its bangle , he repeated the same treatment to my other. I have already submitted completely to him when I felt his lips making an upward journey to my shoulder. He was like a man deprived of water, sucking in what he could from me.

I couldn't keep back the moan when he buried his head in the crook of my neck and sucked deeply. Automatically,my hands entangled in his hair, pulling him more into me. My moans filled the air as he started a sensuous attack on my neck.

Before it could further escalate, he pulled back. My voice of protest was silenced by his finger as he moved behind me.

He removed my hair to the side while peckering little kisses of love down my back. His lips then made contact with my ear while his one hand claimed my waist and another my shoulder. The direct contact of his warm hand on the cold skin of my waist and the sucking of my ear acted like an aphrodisiac invoking a whirlwind of emotions inside me. I rolled my head back giving Jeet more access . I was sure in the morning, I will be needing whole lot of concealer to hid the hickeys.

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