Day 31: The Beginning to an End.

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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️
- this part contain Self harm!!!

Funny how life likes to mess with you. I was always told I was never going to make it past 18. Yet here I am at the age of 25, working in a mall.
I knew I was on borrowed time ever since I was 5. It was because of my quirk. We tried every possible thing, training, therapy, exercise, medicine but the only think that seems to work is well only prolongs my life a little bit.

My quick was called Venom generation. As it sound it, I can generate venom with in my body. However my body does not have the ability release it by any means naturally, so it build up in my system and in my blood. So I have to let it out by essentially self harming myself to let it drain out. I have the scars to prove it to and new cuts. I've This was the only way I survived this long but it will no matter what I do, it will build. Build until I can't let out enough of it that I die.

It doesn't bother me aside from the occasional headache, body pains and a few other things. Turns out when everyone tell you that your going to die at any minute, you learn to accept that. I lived my 25 years accepting that one day I can just be gone. Nothing will matter, not my family, not my friends. They all given up on me and I accepted that. I accept that I'll be alone.

Here I am with nothing to show for my life. I still worked, I still do what do best. Just survive. Just another monotone day working at a mall, showing customers the bets clothing lines and getting them check out. Another boring day until something exploded. Scream erupted form the crowd and people started running. People started panic. I calmed myself and ran to the nearest exist but I didn't get there. The building clasped into itself and everything and everyone started falling.  Thankfully I was able to  survive by shear miracles but everything was dark. As I guess I was probably underneath the rubble.

"Sh***t can this get any worst?" I said out loud.

It took. A few minutes but I composed myself. I started walk around careful to not touch something. The building can come down even more if I did. Then I heard it. A cry for help.

"Someone, help... please." they cried.

I know it was non of my business but it was going to die anyways. Might as well as go out with a bang. I walked over to where the voice came. It was a boy he look around 5 maybe 6.

"Stop yelling, the build might come down." I said quietly.

"Are you a hero? Come to save me?" He cried.

"Well hero no but save you, yes." 

"Im stuck I can't move my leg." They said.

I looked behind him as he was laying on the floor. His leg got caught on the rubble. I wasn't strong by any means but I sure as hell will try to get this boy out. I tried lifting it a little. Thankfully it wasn't a support piece but it was heavy.

"Kid use your arms to pull your self out, it should be a  big enough gap now."

He did as I told him and I gently let go of the rubble as soon as he got out. I trun to look at the poor kid agian. His leg looked broken. I looked around us and found a piece of pipe. I took it and ripped a sleeve off. Yes I know very unlady like but you gotta do what you gotta do you know?  I placed the pipe next to the boy leg and wrapped it up with the sleeve creating a split.

"That should it for now, until we get you to the doctor," I said as I picked him up up, "now to find a way out."

I walked for a few minutes maybe 10. Hard to tell when your in mortal danger. Then again when was I not in mortal danger? We hit a dead end again. Just as we where about to turn an leave something fly in and caught my attention. It was dark but I can make out the faint outlines it was a feather. Almost instinctively the kid grabbed almost knock us both over.

"Kid don't do that! What I drop you." I said.

"Sorry lady... but I think tat is hawks feathers"


"Yeah he's a hero!!!" He said excitedly.

I thought for a moment but before I can say or do anything the rubble was moved away. It was bright out, and it would seem we where saved.

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