Day 17: Baby Birdie

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⚠️warning ⚠️
-small mentions of abuse
-a longer chapter

How did this even happen. I stared at a baby Hawks that's holding on to Mirko. He's not crying but he seems upset.

"Uhhh can I get whatever he usually orders? And a carrot smoothie with salad." Mirko orders.

"How? What? Baby Hawks?l" I said as I help get her order.

"He got hit by a quirk that turn him into a kid. This brat didn't stop squawking until I promised him a Chicken sandwich." 

I looked at baby Hawks and he did grabby hands at me. It was so Damn adorable. I walked around the cash register and held my hand toward him. Mirko seem to get the ideas and let Hawks go to me. He hugged my legs and did grabby hands again. I pick him up and he smiled.

"Little sh— shoot. He seems like you. He hadn't smiled or laughed since he got turned."

"I can take care of him if you need to. How long is he going to stay like this?"

"About 24 hours I think. It be nice but you don't have too." She said as Kai excitedly gave Mirko her order.

"Here you go. And you can sit anywhere you like." Kai said.

"Thanks. Alright you little brat time to eats. Here's your chicken sandwich."

I let Hawks down and he wobbled over to Mirko for the sandwich.

"Thank you bunny!" He said and dragged Mirko to one of the tables to sit.

"He's kinda cute as a baby." Kai said.

"He is. And if it just 24 hours I can take care of him. I'm off work after this anyways," I said to Mirko "besides he's too cute I can't resist."

"If you say so. I really appreciate it. I was going to come by at some point, I just didn't expect to be so soon. Let me tell you Hawks was was right. I love this smoothie." Mirko said to us as she gave us a thumbs up.

"I'm glad you like it. We're opened form 8 to 10. 6 days a week. So come by anytime." Kai said.

"You just want to see her more often!" I said teasingly.

"You have a birdman you want to see. I have a bunny I want to see. Don't judge me."

Mirko laughs at are antics and said "I see why Hawks hanging with you two. I like its a fun atmosphere to be around."

I walked over to little Hawks once he's finished with chicken sandwich. He was looking direct at me with a smile.

"What do you say? Stay with me for the day while Ms. Bunny go protect the world?"

"Okay!" He said and hugged me.

Mirko and Kai have a "Awe" at the cute scene before them. Mirko finished her meal and thanked me again for watching baby Hawks. I finished cleaning up and Baby hawks tried to help me. After that we left to my house. Hawks held my hand the entire way there. He's a quite kid but he seems to enjoy talking about Endeavor. Another fan boy I see.

We stopped a couple time to look at stuff. I had to go to a shop to get him something to wear at night and to get him another shirt just in case when he turn back. Who know when he'll trun back and when he does what if if he'll just bust his cloths like the hulk when hes back to normal. He even pick up a few shiny things. Rocks, bottle caps, and even a few coins. When we arrived at my home, he looked around curiously. He looked over at the couch and pillows to the turned to me.

"You can move a few things around if you want. To make yourself more comfortable." I said as I set my stuff down at the dinner table.

He smiled and starts move the pillows around to make a small nest looking area on the couch. He sat there content and cooing too. It was very very cute. 

"So anything you wanna do?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't  nomaly huv anything to dwo. For fwun."

"We can watch something. Do you like movies? I can get us some popcorn."

He nodded. We settles with Rio, and a bowl of popcorn between us. He sang a long with all the songs and even danced a little in some parts. It was very cute. Hawks was a baby and he seem to love to be spoiled. He love attention from me too. I let him play with my hair fro a bit too while we watch the movie.

After that I cooked sometimes for us for dinner. I mostly watched what he was doing. He was playing with his food but he also eat it without a fuss. It was quite a good kid considering his age which look about 5 right now.  He tried to help me clean the dishes after and ended a drop of the plate.

He's entire demeanor changed after that he panicked and and keeper say sorry.

"I'm Sowwy. I'm Sowwy. I'm Sowwy. " he said over and over agian.

I stop him from touching the shattered plate when he tried to pick it up with his bare hands. I grabbed his arm and he flinched.

I let go and softly say "I'm not mad. Can you go sit on the couch while I clean this up."

He was at this point crying but he nodded and quietly walked to the couch. He's wings were droopy and he wrapped himself with his wings. The poor boy was scared, which made me wonder what kind of life had Hawks had before this? Why would he flinch?

Once I was done clean up I went to check on him. He flinched again as I sat next to him.

"Baby birdie, your not hurt right?" I asked softly.

He looked at me while tell in a ball. He nodded and said sorry again.

"Baby Birdie, come here, I won't hurt you. I'm not upset or anything see. Accidents happen and as along as you learn form it it's okay to make mistakes." I said.

He looked over and gave me a hug. He cried into my shoulder.

"Father would hurt me when ever I mwde a mwstake. And I... I'm swy..." he said quietly.

Poor thing. I didn't say much just comforted him. I won't ask about it, not while he a kid. It might be too much mhm for him. After a. Few minutes I got him to stop crying and offer Tim to go get clean up. He asked if I can join him. 

'Omg omg. no Stop itt is okay he's a baby right now. It's normal for kids to bathe with theri moms so it be okay for you to help him bathe. It's okay'  I was mentally panicking at teh thought of being in a bath with Hawks. Even if he's a baby right now, like what if he remembers that I was butt naked with him in a bath?

I couldn't say no to him so I wore a swimsuit and help him clean himself. I made him were a little towel around his waist. I washed his hair and his wings. He was a bit apprehensive with me touching his wings but he let me do it. He said it felt nice having someone help him and that he usually didn't shower so he wouldn't know what to do. This kid, what had he been through?  After that I told him to wait outside so I can shower.

It was late so I let him join me in my bed. He hugged me tight and I wrapped my arms around him. He smiled and said good night. I cuddled him and sang a lullaby as he drifted to sleep. Once I was sure he was asleep. I fell asleep myself.

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