Day 2: His Day Without You

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It's been a day or two... I'm worried and out of my mind. I stayed close so _______ for most of my morning until I had to go on patrol. There really isn't much I could do but wait until she wakes up.

I spent my afternoon with Endeavor. Hopefully to distract myself and have Lunch with my favorite hero.

"What's wrong?" Endeavor asked.

His firm and confidence never seem to bore me. He's a great hero despite his faults.

"Nothings wrong." I said as a put on a smile.

"That is a lie."

"Nothing gets past you is there?" I said and dropped it.

"No. You been distracted for these few days and it's effecting your work."

"Here I thought you actually cared about me. You wound me Endeavor San~"

He didn't say anything and just continued to eat.

"It's my girlfriend just I'm worried. She's at the hospital and recently underwent a operation of sort. She hasn't woken up yet..."

"Well then think of it like this. Your keeping her safe by doing your job. That way when she wakes up the world is just a little bit better."

I chuckled "that's not a bad way to look it . Endeavor are you trying to comfort me. How sweet~"

"It's better to have you at 100%, than you mopping around."

"Was it that obvious?"

"You didn't come an bother me like you normally do." Endeavor said.

Despite his demeanor, Endeavor is quite a tsundere. He cares but he don't lien to admit it. We finished our lunch and with a slightly better mood we both went on patrol discussing other things and upcoming mission. It did distract me a little but I still was thinking about ________.

Once I was off, I went straight to teh hospital. _______ still hasn't woken up yet. I pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. I held her hand and brought it to my face. I missed talking to her. Her jokes, the silly little 'arguments' taht don't mean a thing, conversations about favorite things, sweet nothings, comforting words, everything.

"Hey~ cutie.. I hope you had a good day. I had a okay day I guess. I mean I got to have lunch with Endeavor. It was fun but I couldn't stop thinking about you." I said quietly.

Maybe she could here me, maybe I'm just taking to myself. It felt a little more bearable if I shared my day like I been doing for the past two days. Maybe it help her wake up sooner. Who knows....

"Patrol was nice, they sky was beautiful as always. I took down a few villains too. Of course with our any injuries. Tsukuyomi had to deal with his own fans. He look so out a place hehe. Honestly he's grown into quite a hero. He's almost like a little brother to me, it's kind a cute watching him struggle with interactions like that. He's getting used to it but it's very clear he doesn't like it" I said, but I could slowly here my voice crack.

I looked over to _____'s face, eyes closed and yet still looked like Angel.

"Please wake up soon.... I need you. I miss you... " I said as I kissed her hand.

It broke me at the thought I might never see her agian. I still had hope, she will be fine. I kept telling myself. Actually, I cried myself to sleep resting my head on the hospital bed.

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