Day 30: Fated Meeting

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I woke up a bit earlier, it was about 5 in the morning. I got dressed did my daily routine. Let out my blood, bandaged it and left for work. It was about 10 minutes away from my house if I took the subway. I was at the cafe at 6 and Kai told me how things worked and how I would be at the front. It wasn't every different than my job I had before, just this time I'm serving coffee to all the people working there 9 to 5. We opened at 8. I was in the back for a few minutes before the small bell of the door rang. I went to the front desk. Surprise surprise it was as if it was my destiny to see him again.

"Hello, Mr savior. What can I get for you." I said, although I don't really get why I chose that but it fit for some reason.

"Hey your that cutie I save yesterday. You work here? Oh and I want a medium ice latte and a chicken sandwich with extra chicken." He said.

"Okay that will be 8.56$, and I just started working here. Cuz you know, you can't work in a pile of rubble unless your construction worker or something." I said "To go or here"

He though a bit and said "I'll have it here." Then he paid with his credit card.

"Care for a chat?" He said as he decided to sit with the able closet to the cash registers.

"Do all hero's have this much free time to chat with strangers?" I asked it wasn't to be rude but it sure did come out as rude.

"Well, not much going on theses days. It's good. Besides, what kind of hero would I be if I let a girl like you be upset."

"I'm not."

"Well you seem to be. Bad day waking up? I'm very observant you know." He said with a stupid cocky smile.

"Well thing —-"

"Order up, for Hawks." Kai said as he walked out and placed it in-front of hawks.

"Hey Kai. Thank for the delicious meal as always." Hawks said.

"Of courses! Oh and what were you two talking about?" Kai asked curiously.

"Just small talk." I said

Hawks nodded, he ate his sandwich in piece and yet I had a feeling he was watching me as I walked around the cafe making sure everything was in place. The place was silent except the sound of hawks eating. Not much people came in this cafe in the mornings apparently.

"Soo what's your name?" He said while still chewing his sandwich.

"You know you shouldn't be speak with food your mouth." I said like a mother to her child.

"You didn't answer the question, cutie." This time finishing his bite of food first.

"_______." Was all I said.

Rest of the morning was simple. Hawks left to do his work and I continue to work through the customer orders.

——Time skip to lunch break.——

Lunch rush was crazy. It was a lot more than what I had expected. It made sense thought Kai was alway a very good cook. It was kind of cool, some hero's come in and come poplar stars. Few I was told be regulars, Hawks was one of them apparently. After Hawks had left Kai said that Hawks would alway come in 5 minutes before opening, lunch break and hour before closing. It was always at least once a day.

There was a knock and there he was like clockwork, Hawks. Kai opened the door for him and give him his chicken sandwich. Hawks paid for it.

"Mind if I have lunch with y'all?" He asked.

"I don't mind." Kai said and I agreed.

"How's work?" Kai asked.

"Good good. Way better now that I have this lunch."

"You really like chicken don't you." I asked.

He nodded.

"So what made you wanna stay this time? You usually just grab your Lunch, breakfast or dinner and leave." Kai asked.

"Donnno, just feel like it. Or maybe it the cutie next to you."

"Wow in love already? Bird man." Kai joked.

"Kai stop that. He might stop coming you'll loose a loyal customer." I said focused on my lunch.

"He's fine~" he said.

——Time skip to hour before closing ——

"Hello, I would like a... ohhh I know the fried chicken pleases." Hawks said as he walked in.

"To go or here?" Kai said.

"Here" he said.

And just like breakfast and lunch, he sat and tried to have small talk with Kai. I was in the back but heard them. I was feeling a bit lightheaded so I asked Kai to take over for a bit.

"Did she go home? The newbie that you hired." Hawks asked.

"No, she in the back. Why?"

"Just asking She seems nice. Saved a kid too. So thought I meet a new friend. You know?" He said.

"Well she is a good friend. I'd bet you two would get along too." Kai said, knowing fully well I can hear them.

Kai came to join me in the back. He had to make hawks chicken. I offered to take it out to him and Kai nodded.

"Here." I said and gently Pla ring the tray down.

"Thanks." He said look up at me.

His smile was nice. It was sweet. He pulled up a seat next to him and padded the seat. I looked over at Kai and he nodded. So I did.

"Soo lookin for me?" I said.

He nodded and started eating. He finished his food quickly. I sat there having the occasional talk as he told me about his day.

When my shift was over he offered to take me home. I insisted I didn't need someone to take be but he did anyways. It was just comfortable silence between us.

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