Day 1(Bad Ending): If only...

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Bad ending for folks who like Angst. And mostly because I want to right a bad end.

Hawks Pov:

.... _____ never woke up and the metter when silent into a constant beeep. The doctor rushed to save her but the couldn't. They walked out and shook there head.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

It was all that it was needed to shatter my heart into million pieces. I lost _____. I failed her.... My love. I didn't care that everyone was watching me, i cried heart broken. Later  they had to force me to leave. I didn't know what to do. I went back home a locked myself in.  Although our time was short, it was the best month if my life, meeting ______, becoming friends, falling in love.

Few weeks later they held a funeral for her. I locked myself in my own house for a while. Many of my friends and heros wanted me to move on but I couldn't. ______ was special to me, she was everything's I dream of. Everything and everywhere I go I am reminded of her. If I wasn't, I was thinking if ______ would enjoy or dislike the things I was. Not many people Showed up to her funeral. Few of her friends, some hero's she met with me, Kai and absolutely no family.  I didn't stay for the burial. I couldn't bare to see her like that.  The day after I went to see her grave. It finally sunk in that I will never get to see that wonderful woman ever again. 

Her grave stone... it was made of marble, nothing big but it was as surrounding by (favorite flower). Kai had mad all the rangements, he was the closest to her aside from me. I paid for everything...

"(Birthday) - XX-XX-20XX, ________, the one who did not have enough time, great friend and a great partner." I

I lagged behind when it came to my hero work. All I was thinking about was _______ and all I could do was to stuff myself into hero work. I got reckless when it came to dangerous, harder to work with. ______... my sunshine just as I got her I lost her.  I missed her.

Many years later,
I never married, never had Any children. Not a day goes by that I don't think of ________. I took care of Tsukuyomi's children whenever I was free. I went to _______ grave a few time a year. I rarely go to the cafe anymore, it reminded me to much _______. Kai and I would talk a lot, thinking of ____ and kai telling stories of there childhood. Something I look forward to, it alway made me feel closer to her. _______, I wish you had more time... I wish we could have been together for the rest of our lives. Maybe in our next we be together.  People say Hawks only have 1 mate in there lives, I guess that's true for me. Maybe in a different universe I would get to see that beautiful face as she took care of your children? A life that I didn't get to have. 

A amazing story of love.... But not all love story's have a good ending. Mine just ended in tragedy. One that left me along to rot in this cruel world. If only.... If only she had more time. If only I didn't fail to save her...

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