Day 7: Unexpected Visit to the ER.

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Hawks Pov:

For the past few days I had been worried about ______. She had been a bit off in the past few days. I think even Kai pick up on that too.

*FLASH BACK to yesterday night*

"Hey Hawks, did ______ tell you anything that happened.?"

"No, but I'm also worried."

"Just keep an eye on her for me will ya?"

"I plan to."

"Good. I'm glad she has someone else she can turn too. She's always been an outcast form people. Everyone had given up.. they left her knowing what she had to deal with. She never really had someone like you to be there for her. I'm happy that she met you."

I stood silence for a few moments. It hurt me knowing such a wonderful person is given up on. _____ was someone who was kind and generous. She was also strong.

"Well she had you as well right? You had been there for her for a lot longer than I do. "

"Yeah but that's not the same as what you have with her. ______ loves you. I could tell when you guys started conversatating that first time you met on my cafe. Take care of here okay?"

"God you sound like a dad right now."

"Well~ I do very much care for _____ she's practically a little sister I never had. So hurt her and you die." Kai said.

I could tell he was joking about the killing me thing. But it was nice to hangout with him once and a while."


Either way I want to make sure _____ is okay. I went to the cafe at my regular lunch time. Ordered my regular lunch and sat down to taken to the two of them. Kai kept glancing at ______, like yesterday as she cleaned . I'm assuming he still worried about her wellbeing so was I. Kai even offered to help her clean but she insisted to finishing it on here own. She said it was to make up for loss time form the breaks that Kai had been giving her.

We were fully immersed in our own conversation about how awesome Endeavor was and all the controversy behind him, when it happened. We heard a loud thud and we look over to _____ to see her on the ground. Immediately both of us went to here side.

"F*ck. ______! ______!" Kai panicked "Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t she's not responding."

"I'm getting her to nearest hospital. It be faster if I just flew her in myself." I said as I picked her up.

"Okay! I'm closing up and I'll meet you their."

I nodded and immediately when outside and flew here to the nearest hospital. I flew as fast as possible without hurting her more. I was in a panic. 'No no no baby stay with me. I can't lose you. Not now! Not when I only just had you." Of course I have one hell of a poker face but damn I was a mess. I burst through the E.R. I didn't care if everyone was staring at me.

"We need someone over here. She's past out and I have no what's wrong." I said.

A few nurses look at us and one got one of hospital bed and told me to lay her down. They ran a few tests and immediately rushed her into a room. I wasn't allowed in because I wasn't her family nor was I on her emergency contact. I was waiting for them to finish outside of the room. I was in a freenze, I passed back and forth in-front of the door as many of the paints where staring. I out of panic called Rumi.

"Hawks? Is everything okay?! Why you call me." Rumi said as she answered the phone.

"F*ck I don't know! _____ she... Iuhhh past out and I'm worried the Sh*t out. And I called you cuz I don't know what the F*ck I'm doin!!!!" I said quickly.

"What now? Bird brain your speak to fast."

"_____ past out and I don't know what I should do right now. Im in the hospital waiting."

"Bird brain firstly calm the f*ck down."

"I CAN'T THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS IN THE FREAKING HOSPITAL MIRKO!!" I whisper yelled not to disturb anyone.

"Well you got her to the hospital! You need to calm down. Worrying about it now isn't going to help you."

I took a deep breath and said "okay okay your right but still... I don't know.... I'm terrified."

"Bird boy, your lunch is over right? Call your agency man. I may be a one woman show but you aren't man. You need to get your work sorted too. So do that while you wait. It will probably distract you for a little bit."

I listen to Rumis words and called my Angency right after. I told them to put Tsukuyomi in charge while I was gone and this was a personal emergency. Kai met up with me about 30 minutes since I got to the hospital. Kai sat there waiting while I was pacing back and forth worried sick.

One of the doctors came out a few minutes later. I looked at them and the. Looked at Kai.

"Umm which one of you is ______ family?" He said.

"I'm not but I am on her emergency contact list. She's gone no contact with here family for a long time." Kai said.

"It's not good for me to take about a painents condition here. For now just now she's stable. And Mr..."

"Kai. Kai Embry."

"Well Mr. Embry, come with me and we can discuss this after I get confirmation of that you are indeed a emergency contact for Ms.(last name). I'll show you to my office." He said.

"All be back okay? Just keep an eye on her" Kai said.

They left to the doctor office while the nurses transfer _____ to a private room per my request. It was that big of of a problem since Kai was able to convince them for me before he left. I stayed in the room with _____. She was so pale, and she had to had an IV. I held her hand gently as I kept and eye on her.

"Please, please be okay" I whispered.

I waited for for about an hour until Kai finally came to see _____. I didn't even look at him when he came in. I just asked if she was going to be okay.

"They said she's stable now. However... the venom in her blood is rising to a dangerous levels at an alarming rate... they say it's only a matter of time before she...." He said not daring to finish that sentence.

"There has to be a way! A way to save her..."  I said.

I didn't care how desperate I sounded but I need her. I need her in my life, I love her. I can't lose her not now, not ever.

"Hawks... I don't like it either! I hate to ask but do you know anyone or anything can help? Believe me all the doctors that ____ been at they all say she should just live the best life. Never really gave a clear solution... _____ tried everything, nothing had ever works to surpess her quirk."

I decided to leave the room for a bit. I was at the roof of the hospital building looking out in the sky. I had to think of something quick. I need to save her. But what can I do. I have no medical experience with this. I decided to make a bunch of calls to all  medical professionals I know and trust to talk about this. I was desperate for an answer.

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