Day 12: Perfact Date

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Keigo check my ankle that morning and said I should be able to walk on it. However he still wanted to take it easy for another day or so. It didn't matter anyway today was my day off. I was lucky that Hawks took a day off to spend time with me. I was worried if that would have had interfered with his work.

"Don't worry about it, work has been a bit slow so it be fine. " he said.

"Well despite how horrible your luck had been these couple weeks." He corrected.

"I kinda wanna go outside then. Maybe an arcade or picnic?" I suggest.

"Hmmm I know, I think there's an Arcade at the hero mall. We can go there and no one will bother us."

"Hero mall?"

"Love, imagine seeing Fat gum shopping for Groceries or something he be swarmed with fans. Hero mall is a mall restricted to hero's and there families so they can do shopping in peace."

"That's true. I guess we can't go then."  I said as I got up.

I still had a limp but it wasn't that bad. I just didn't want to put too much pressure on it.  I inisit I do things on my own despite Keigo's protest. I decide to pick out an cute outfit.

 I decide to pick out an cute outfit

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Hawks was in a black hoodie. He was picked up and flew us to the mall. I was looking at him the entire time. Mostly because was a little scared from how high we were.

"You know you can look. The view is beautiful."

"I know, I have a great view right now."

He looked down at me and saw that I was still looking at him. He blushed and just kissed me on my cheek.

"You sly little butt." He said.

He gently set me down once we arrived . We walked around a bit looked at a lot of shirts. A few anime stores as well. We played some games at the arcade. It was probably build to keep the hero's children entertained while there parents go shopping. Hawks was able to win a Endeavor plush form one of the crane machines. It was a lot of fun. Then we got hungry so we pick out a random food court stall.

"Kai would totally freak out if had the chance to come." I said.

"Oh he would. I mean you get to see hero's when there not doing hero work. Who wouldn't want to look around. Especially fan boys like Kai." Keigo agreed.

"I had fun. Thank you."

"Of course~ so does this count as a 2nd date?"

"Yes! I mean we did a lot of couply stuff Hawks."

He gave me a. Loving smile the like you see In romantic stories where the man is hopelessly in love. We're both hopelessly in love. We could taken for hours and I still not be bored. Keigo is just such an interesting person to be around. We eat in peace and quite. I played with my phone a couple times.

After we finished our lunch we went back to horsing around in the mall. Of course with moderation in consideration of the other hero that where there. A lovely day to spend with Keigo a perfect date. Once we where both tired we went to another food court stall and got something for dinner.

When we arrived home, he hugged me closely as soon as the door closed. He nuzzled his head into my neck form behind. I could help but shiver at his breath on my neck.


"Hmm.?" He said softly.

"Wanna cuddle and watch a movie together?"

"Movie dates are the best." He said and got the popcorn ready as I pick a movie.

I end up picking (fave movie.) because I insist that Keigo see it at least once. It was a masterpiece that deserves so much attention.

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