Day -: Almost Perfect Date

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A few days later I was discharged and Keigo insisted we go on a date. I agreed and got dress in something causal but cute.

 I agreed and got dress in something causal but cute

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(This your outfit ^)

"Ooo lookin mighty fine their cutie? Can I ask for your number?" Keigo said

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"Ooo lookin mighty fine their cutie? Can I ask for your number?" Keigo said.

I laughed "Kei we're already dating!"

"Oh please for give me it would seem your cuteness is too powerful that I seem to forget."

"Oh hush, dork."

"Oh you know you love it~"

"Do I?" I paused for a second and pretend to think then I said "yes yes I do."

He smiled and kissed me on the check.

"So where are we going this time birdy."

"Pottery painting! There this little shop that you can buy pre-made unpainted ceramics! And then we can paint it! I thought it be fun." He said.

"Oooo that sounds fun!!!"

"I know now let's gooooo!!!" Kei and and dragged me out of the house.

He held me close, and flew us to the shop. It was a small cute studio, and it looked very modern but also had a really nice nature motif. The lady who own the place was very cute to she seems a little shy but very nice. The lady's boyfriend explained to us everything since the lady was supper quite and didn't seem to like to talk. He showed us a few things we could paint and what colors they had too.

"So that's it, and we have aprons so if you need it you can use one." He said.

"Thank you!" I said.

We end up choosing a few items, 1 teacup and mini plate for each of us and a teapot. Keigo made his teacup endeavor themed and his plate had flames on it. I painted my items Hawks themes of course and I even drew a little chick on it too. For the teapot we decided to do it together, Keigo did one side and I did the other. We were having small talk and making fun of each others drawings. It was alot of fun. Once we where done we have haven them to the lady. They told us they would fire them then we can pick them up in a few days.

"That was fun!" I said.

"Mhm, and I get a custom Endeavor tea cup! Maybe I should get him to sign it."

"and I'm glad I get a custom hawks teacup maybe I chocks get you to sign it!" I said copying him.

We laughed and left the studio, next we went to got get something to eat. He took me to get (Favorite street food) then got some mochi donuts. Of course not all dates goes as planned. Some of he fans swarmed him as he placed our order. I was pushed a way by some of the girls. I had wait for Keigo to finish entertaining his fans.

"Sorry about that. Next time I should probably hide my wings and where some glasses for something." He said as he walked over to me.

"Don't worry about it."

"Here." He said as he had me my food.

After we finished eating, we went to an escape room. Of course the escape room employee was a Hawks fan and asked for an autograph. We end up say thing we where just friends mostly to avoid people in the press. Keigo said many times he wouldn't care but I didn't want to be in the public eye so he respected that.

We ended up successfully escaping but it was mostly Keigo who figured the solution. He made sure I gave teh puzzles a try first before he help solve it.

"Damn how are you so good?" I asked.

"Eh, probably because I'm a hero, we kind have to be aware of underlying messages." He shrugged.

"I feel like I didn't help much."

"That's not true you help find the clues."

"Only because you let me." I said.

We end the day at his house. We made dinner together and eat together. I borrowed on of his shirts and we cuddle on his bed and fell asleep.

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