Day 31: Saved

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I looked way form where the rubble was being removed. Being in the Dark for so long I had to wait for my eyes to get use to the light.

"Hey you to alright?"

There he was like an Angel come to take us. A crimson wings avian reaching his hand out for me to grab. Quite a looker too, I grabbed his hand and he pulled us up. We were not that far form the surface and he guided us to a safer area. I turned to look at the pile of rubble that was once my work place.

"Mr. Hawkssss yoru so coool." The boy said and Hawks thank3: him.

"Thank you." I simply said.

"Not a problem~ it's my job" he said as he let go of my hand "so you never really answered you two okay?"

"I think so. Just a few cuts nothing I can't handle. The kid had a broken leg tho I think. You also might want to find the kids mom before I accidentally get accused of kidnapping" I joked.

He laughed "Alright, and the paramedic are over their and they can help with the injuries," then pointed to the ambulance.

I stayed with the kid at the hospital until his mom came to pick him up. The kid thank me and I left. I went back to my house and called a friend of mine to tell them the craziness that happen.

"Hey Kai, you would not have guessed what happened today!" I said when he answered.

"If you mean how your work place is now in ruins then yeah I saw it on the news. " he said.

I never kept up with my friends. Few friends I had most left me after I told them about my quirk. They saw me as a burden, Kai was different. He wanted to just hang out never really cared that I won't be around for long. It somehow never really bothered him. I had another friend how accepted me but it's complicated with him.

"Yeah, it was crazy... say I know you like hero's?"

"Yeah of course. Ask me anything and I'll tell you! But are you okay though?"

"I'm alright. I want to ask about Hawks."

"He's was the #2 hero back when the LOV was still active. Now I think he still does hero work and with the new hero's joint. It seems he's taking a back seat but also alot happier. Form what the story's say he had a pretty rough start too."

"Oh I see." I said as I reminded of how damn chaotic it was. Villain running around and people trying to protect themselves.

"Why the sudden interest?" 

"He save me today. I got curious that's all. Beside I don't watch much news so I wouldn't know much about them."

"Ohh okay."

"Can I ask a favor Kai?"


"Look I know I might be asking to much and you can totally reject the idea but is it okay if I came to work with you. Just for a while until I can find a new job."

"Yeah totally! In fact you called at the right time. We need a new person as the last employee just resigned."  He said .

"Thank you."

"Yeah no problem, how are you then?" Kai asked again.

"What do you mean?"

"Your condition ______, you know. I'm worried."

"I'll be okay. I lived this along right?"

Immediately I felt the conversation shift.  It was like that for the rest of the call. Just talk.  And tomorrow I'd go to his cafe and work.

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