Day 15: Keigo

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We arrived at Hawks house, which is just the top 3 floors of his agency apparently. It was huge place to. His living quarters was at the top floor. It had an amazing view too. 

"Why do you choose to come to my house and live on my couch when you have such a big space?" I asked

Not to be mean but my place is nothing compared to how beautiful this is.

"Cus it feels more I don't less lonely with someone I guess." Hawks said.

I smiled at the though that all Hawks need was someone who came care and understand him. What he need was someone there for him when everything goes wrong. 

"Hawks that's so sweet of you to day." I said as I sat on his couch.



"It's Keigo when where alone okay?"

"Okay Kei." 

We sat there together cuddling as we played a video. I didn't remember what it was but it was fun. Hawks was winning thought. He's too good at the game.  When we got bored of that he suggested I go take a shower. I agreed and he let me know where his shower was and gave me a pair of his clothes to wear since I didn't have anything with me.  His shower was very big too, it was probably costume made for him to accommodate his wing span.  Once I finished up I was very cozy in his shirt and shorts.

"Your cute in my cloths~" he said when I walked out.

I blushed at the sentiment and he him gave me a kiss on the cheek. He walked past me to the bathroom to got take a. Shower himself.  I was left alone looking around his living room. There was a lot of Endeavor Merch and everything was fair you tidy. One thing that wasn't was a piled of paper on his dinner table. Probably some hero work that I didn't need to know about.  He had finished his shower fairly quickly but man he looked hot after. I couldn't help but stare. 

"Like what you see?" Hawks said.

" umm. Cute."

Haw-no Keigo chuckles and at next to me on the couch. He gently wrapped his arms around along with his wings. It was so comforting and safe. I left safe warm and loved.

"Keigo." I said softly as as rest my head on his shoulder.


"Your too much for me sometimes but I like it. You make me feel safe. I'm grateful for all this. Accepting me even after this morning. More over confessing to me.  It made me feel special. Thank you truly Keigo."

"No, thank you for giving me a chance." He replied softly.

"Guess we're just two fools in love."

"Mhm. And I love it."

"Is this too fast? I mean like don't typically people fall in love after a lot longer?"

"I don't know but I don't care. As along as were happy right?"

He started playing with my hair, it was nice. His touch was gentle, comforting. He smelled really nice to, it was a warm but masculine sent. He started cooing to it was adorable AF. Moments like this makes everything worth it.

"So what did baby me while you took care of me?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing much other than picking random shiny objects up. I think your cuteras a kid."

"I bet you be a lot cuter as a kid."

"Not really. I was at the hospital most of it soo I wouldn't be that cute."

I ended falling asleep on him. Last thing I heard was "I love you ______" and a gentle kiss on teh forehead.

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