Sun. Day 4: Venom

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Hawks Pov:

Recovery girl briefed ______ and I about the procedure again.

"It be risky but not impossible. First we would have to administer the anti venom to you. Then after about hour to then administer the quirk destroying drug. Then you will be closely monitored because the venom that already in your system might become deadly. After that she be staying at the hospital for a few days if everything goes well. They will monitor your venom levels for next few days, if they go down that would be a good sign that the quirk is no longer functioning. You will have to check in every week or so to keep monitoring. If everything things goes well you'll be come quirkless and be able to live without a worries of dying. Okay. So that's all of it. Any questions?" Recovery girl said.

"How long would the procedure take? And umm how long does recovery take." ________ asked.

"Procedure would take about 2 hours or soo. Recovery solely depends on you dear so I couldn't say. But our goal right now is to get you at least not dying."

I knew that she was a little nervous but I held her hand the entire time. I gave her a few reassuring kisses on the cheek and hand squeezes too.

"I'll be there for the entire time okay?" I said reassuringly.

She nodded and said "Okay then, thank you for everything Recovery girl."

"No, dear. I feel this is a little bit responsible. I'm the school nurse an ye I never knew you wer suffering so much dear. This is the least I can do." Recovery girl said.

About an hour later they decided to start the procedure. I was there the entire time with _____. The first part went smoothly. Second part not so much, as Recovery Girl feared it erasing her quirk also erased was little resistance to her own venom she had. Recovery girl had to move me out of the room as they took care of _____. I couldn't do anything at all I can could do was wait. 

With the mot horrible timing ever, Tsukuyomi called me because they need extra help on a big mission. I didn't have much choice and I wasn't going to help here. So I texted kai that I won't be at the hospital and I went straight to Tsukuyomi after I change into my hero costume. 

It was a mission on capturing a local Human tracking group. A couple of other heros where there to like Fatgum, Endeavor, Mirko and a few others. I had to keep _____ off of my mind then. I need to get this done quickly so I can get back to _____. 

"You seem tenser than normal Hawks." Endeavor said.

"A little.. I'm worried about something else but I'm needed here."

"Well, then just focus on the job for now." 

Endeavor was right. I need to focus, I slapped myself and gave myself a small pep talk 'You can do this! You can do this. Don't worry about ______ she'll be fine.'

We took care of the villains with relative ease but it sicken me to see what these people had done. The poor victims was barely living and all had some sort of mutant quirk. It just hit more personally than anything.  I made sure every victim was safe and scouted the hideout make sure no one was left behind.

By the time that we were done it was already night time. Rumi and I went back to check on _______ the hospital. We had a few injuries of our own and they had took care of that before allowing us to see ______. One of the nurses told me that _______ hasn't woken up yet since the procedure. There keep a very close eye on her at the ICU. They had to transfer her to a different room so we were given that too.

We stayed with ______ for a few hours before Rumi left.  She wasn't showing any sign of waited and I was getting a little anxious. I knew that there was a fight chance she might not survive but still it hurt. I hope... she be okay...

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