Day 23: Friendship & Comfort

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I woke up on the floor. I look up to see Kai already away and making coffee. I yawned and looked over to the couch to find Hawks half falling off the couch still sleeping. I laughed at the silliness of how Hawks was sleeping.  I went and did my daily routine. Kai knew what I have to do in the morning, he never really like it and always tries to leave me alone to do it whenever he's over. 

"Morning." He said quietly as he looked over to me and handed me some coffee.

"Thanks." I said simply.

"Yesterday was wild"


"Soo what do you think?"

"About what?"

"About Hawks."

"What do you mean? He's a cool guy."

"I mean do you like him? You seems close, even if you only knew him for little bit."

"He's nice. Even if I knew him for long you know I can't. I shouldn't like him."

"You never know. Love is love."

"I'm not."


We stop that conversation real quick as Hawks woke up.  He looked over to use with a really bad case of bed head, might I add.  Even a few feathers sticking out of his hair too. I couldn't hold it in, it was to funny and cute.  Kai looked away trying not to laugh.

"Huh. What's so funny?"

"Your hair man!! Pfft..... I can't... HAHAHHA.... OH MYGODD HAHAHHA." Kai lost it and laughed with me.

Hawks took out his phone and look at himself and also laughed. We all stopped after his phone started to ring.

"Hello?" Hawks answered his phone.

A few seconds later, he walked to a corner of the living room. I didn't hear what it was about but form the expression on his face it was probably urgent. As soon as the he hung up, hawks quickly gathered his jacket which was on the floor, fix his hair and made sure he had everything.

"Sorry guys love to stay but something came up. I gotta hurry back." He said and went to the front door.

"Don't for get to get something to eat!" Kai and I said as he left.

"Soo about our conversation." Kai said after a few minutes of silence.

"Not a word. Man. I told you I can't and won't."

"I'm not encouraging you. I'm just saying you should probably keep a distance. Both of you will just end up hurt."

"I know, you know. He doesn't, he doesn't need to know. It's cruel to not let him be friends with me. And I find it hard to say no to the guy."

"It's a dangerous road." He warned.

I knew that. He didn't need to tell me, but he never stay away. He's trying so hard to be nice to me. He's cool and kind, maybe it's admiration. Love? What's the point? Deep down I know I can't, it wouldn't be fair to him. Theirs always that little voice to tell you to do something you might regret. This is one of those. Hawks.... Maybe, just maybe let's be friends for a bit longer. I held on to that small spark of happiness and warm that I got from him.

"Maybe... it is a dangerous road. But I still want to be friends. Maybe that's selfish of me."

"You deserve to be happy. I just don't want to see either of you hurt. You long accept that you won't live long and here we are. A long 25 years of age. Here I am accepted at any moment in time my best friend would be gone. Whatever happens just make sure you don't regret it. He doesn't regret it."

We stayed there in hugging each other's for a few minutes. The day went on, Kai left. I was home alone. Hawks didn't come this night. It was just me and my thoughts.

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