Day 29: A Little Worry

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Lovely morning, I looked over the clock, 6:00 am. I got dressed and did my daily routine. I eat some breakfast and went to work. Kai and I decided it be best if I just work the morning and Lunch shift after what happened yesterday. I was okay with that.  Yet again Hawks came by when nobody was around. He tried again with small talk. I enjoyed his company.

This time was slightly different, he wasn't in his uniform. He was weren't a causal look, black jacket, white shirt and jeans. It look good on him too.  I greeted him and he ordered the same order as yesterday. The day played out about the same as yesterday.

Lunch time soon came and I got myself a lunch from Kai. I ate as Hawks came in. He and Kai had a conversation although I wasn't exactly listening. It was probably about hero's for something like that. I'm glad they get along maybe Hawks can be there for him when I... no _____ don't thinking about that.

"Hey you okay? You seem a little out of it ______." Kai said.

I snap out of whatever trance I was and said "oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

"You sure?" Kai said with genuine concern for me.

"Yes and I'll be heading home. Anything you want me to do before that? Well other than finished this half eaten food." I said.

"Okay. And nothing I'll be okay right on my own."

"Want me to take her home? I don't mind. I have the day off anyways." Hawks offered."

"Yes" Kai said as the same time I said "No"

"Hawks it fine, don't you start worrying about me too." I said.

I quickly finished my food and left. Hawks followed suit.

"I said you didn't need to."

"I want to tho. Kai was right you did look a little paler than earlier so I wouldn't want you passing out alone."

"I'm fine really. It's nothing bad." I said.

"Well ______, even if I am off duty right now. Does not me my hero work stops. At least let me make sure you get home safe."

I gave in after a little bit and let him follow me. Nothing really happened.

"Thanks for taking me home." I said.

"No problem." He said he looked over to me. Well more specifically at my bandages.

"Is something the matter?" I asked.

"Do you want me to help with those." He said pointing at my bandage.

"Oh, that's don't worry I can handle that myself."

"It be easier if you a have someone to help."

"Look hawks I get that your a hero and everything. But I really don't need help okay?" I said slightly defensively.

"Sorry I don't mean too offend you. Just it be a lot easier with another pair hands." Hawks insisted.

"Thanks but no thanks. Beside I probably taken a lot of your time already. Go enjoying your day off. " I said.

"If you say so." He said

I feel like he probably knew I don't want to touch on it. He handed me a piece of paper.

"Here my number just in case of you need anything okay?" Hawks said before leaving.

Once he left I sighed and went inside my house. Later that night I decided to at least text him.

Y: you
H: Hawks

Y: Hey, this is _______.

H: Hi cutie~ I was wondering when u be texting me.

Y: Well I'm here.

H: So how are u? Did u  change those bandage? Feeling better?

Y: thanks for worrying mr. Hero. Yes I did and I feel okay. Don't worry.

H: alright.

Y: did you get dinner yet?

H:  not yet, i planned on having a drink with my friends.

Y: heros?

H: yup.

Y: cool cool. Just don't get too drunk :p

H: I can't promise anything.

Y: I'm head to bed now. Gn.

H: gn.

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