Day 3: A Dream or the Afterlife?

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Your pov:
All I remember was a butt load of pain after Recovery girl inject me with the Quirk destroying serum.  I probably screamed and cried for Keigo but I don't remember.  But right now I don't even know what I am or if I am alive.  Maybe I was in a dream. I was allowing myself to believe that this was a dream.

Dreams always have meaning in real as some people say. Then... then WHAT THE HELL IS THIS DREAM ABOUT???? I mean I'm currently running form a giant ware chicken that was originally my boyfriend. Maybe it's a sign that I shouldn't give him chicken anymore? After a long long while go running I seems to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. No it wasn't the light of the end of life but it was a portal to a mirror like room with an endless sky. The ware chick wad now long gone from my sight.

 The ware chick wad now long gone from my sight

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"Where am I." I  said.

I kept walking until I saw someone. As I walked closer I realized I knew who that was. It was me but more ethereal she had beautiful sliversh blue hair and (colored eye). She also had many cracks running all over her body and word a white dress. She sat there playing with the water.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." She said never once looking at me.

I stay silent.

"Do you like it here?"


She repeated the question.

"Well it's very pretty."


"So who are you?"

"I am you."


"Life... oh so cruel sometimes. Yet we live it and give it our best. So what make it worth it?"

"Isn't that kind deep? I mean I don't know what the mean it."

"To you. What makes it worth living?"

"People in it. The people who care and love me. I stayed alive for them."

"... do you wish to go back to them?"

"Am I dead? Is this the afterlife. Or a dream?"

"Maybe it is maybe it is not. But do you wish to stay with those you love."

"Of course... I still have so many things I wanna do. I wanna be with Hawks. I wanna be with Keigo. I to have a Chance to give him what he had given me."

"But what if we are just a burden to him? What if he never needed us." She said as the sun slowly drive deeper and the sky turned dark. No stars just me and her in a endless void.

"I don't know. Maybe this is selfish but I want to be there for him no matter what. I want to here it form him if he no longer needs me."

"Is that good enough?"

"It's good enough to me. Just to spend a little more time with him. No matter what. I love him."

"Love... such a powerful emotion. I thought we had given up on it. Love... no one had ever give us...."

"But Keigo did... more than anyone had ever done." We both say.

It was then she finally looked up at me. She stood up and we instinctively touched each others hands. She became many sliver butterflies and I was left alone in the void. Waiting for something or someone to come along. 

After a little while I decided I had enough for thsi plane and moved On. I was next in a scene very familiar to me, the cafe. The cafe that started all of this, my interactions with Hawks, a reminder of my friendship with Kai.  It was like any normal day Kai was there as he cleaned the machine behind the counter humming his favorite song.  It was more like an out of body experience. There was me, as I greeted Kai and he smiling back to say hello. Kai, my best friend in the world, he alway took great care of me when nobody else would.  The more I watch those two the more I thought about how lucky I was to have him in my life.

Then I was in the void agian. Relationship... they give meaning to my  life. With out them I would have given up along time ago. I was okay with death but now... now I have something more. Something I want to fight for. I can't die.

The only thought was I can not die. I WONT DIE.

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