Day 28: Hawk's Crush

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This one is in Hawks POV

I got up and got ready for the day. I looked over to the mirror to check if I had everything and left my penthouse. It was around 7:50 and I flew over to my favorite cafe. A few days ago they got a new employee _______, she seems nice. I can't help but thing there something weird about her. Maybe because I'm a hero, i feel obligated to make sure she okay. I landed to the front of the cafe and open the door to see the little cutie.

"Hello~" I said "I like my Chicken sandwich and medium ice latte"

"To go or here." ______ asked.

"Here." I said and i give her my card and let her do her thing. Then she gave it back to me.

"How's your morning, cutie?"

She never really reacted to "cutie" thing, she seems to not care or just assume I call everyone cutie. I don't know.

"Good, but it could have got better. I burnt my toast." She said.

"How burnt."

She thought for a second "pretty burnt black I left it to long."

"Order up." Kai said.

"Thank you!" I said as he gave me my order.

"Thanks for taking ______ home yesterday man. I'm glad you followed here home you creep." He joked

_____ laughed "Stop that Kai your being mean."

"Your laughing are you not? Is it not true tho." He said looking over to the (Hair color) woman.

"Hey hey~ I am no creep! Just a concern friend of a friend." I retorted.

Kai laughed and said " well is all good fun!"

After finishing my breakfast I went on patrol with Tsukuyomi. It was a pretty mandate day.

"You seem chipper." Tsukuyomi said as we look down on the city streets keeping and eye on everything.

"Well I do love my chicken sandwiches form this one cafe and today just extra good I guess" I said.

"Don't you alway go there Hawks sensei? What's so different today or the past few days?"

"I met someone I guess. She was nice but.... I don't know something off about her. I barely know the gal and yet here I am thinking about here and worrying about her."

"Well sounds like you you a crush."

"Dude like I said it be weird since I didn't met here until a few days ago."

"Well these thing happen right?"

"I don't know."

The rest of the patrol was normal nothing interesting happened. I offer for him to come with me to get lunch. He agreed.

"Hawks there on break." Tsukuyomi

"Itsss fine trust mee." I said and let ourselves in the cafe.

"Hi hawks. So let me guess Chicken sandwich?" She said.

"You know me! Oh and I brought a friend. Hope you guys don't mind."

"Not at all." Kai said poking out form the back.

"What can I get you mister?" _____ asked Tsukuyomi.

"Black coffee and an apple pie."

I paid for his order as well. Even though he didn't want me to.

"So who's this hawks?" _____ asked we sat down.

"One of my sidekicks Tsukuyomi. I thought I'd bring him to my favorite cafe."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Tsukuyomi." Kai and _____ said.

"Seee nice people." I said.

Kai gave us our orders.

Tsukuyomi asked " Soo I thought you guys are on break."

"We are but Hawks always come by this time. Since there's no people meaning no fans." Kai explain.

"Well I'll be heading out now. Call you later?" ______ said to Kai.

"Yeah, have a nice day _______. Be careful!" Kai said as _______ left.

"She seems nice." Tsukuyomi said.

"She cool, toughest woman I know." Kai said.

"Does she have a boyfriend."

"Tsukuyomi!" I said.

"No. Why you into her already bird boy?" Kai asked smirking.

"No, but he seems to be."

"am not!" I said embarrassed.

"Look Hawks just don't okay? Trust me on this one. " Kai said almost like a warning.

It was silent after that. Why would Kai not want his friend to get a boyfriend? Does he want to get ________? I mean it make sense they seem a lot closer.

After we finish our lunch we went back on patrol. I decided it was probably not a good idea to go cafe before close after that little conversation. I got some take out and decided to go check on ______.

H: hawks
Y: you

H: Hey, you still awake?

Y: yeah?

H: mind if I drop by?

Y: no.

Not even a few minutes later I was their knocking on her door. She opened it. She was so in cute (Color) Pjs. It's adorable. She moved a side to let me in.

"Want some take out?" I offered.

She shook her head no.

"What made you drop by?" She said as we sat down on her couch.

"I just want to see you." I said.

"Well want to watch a movie?" She said.


She pick a random movie. It was nice and had a few funny moments. We watched while I ate my take out dinner. It was nice. Something about this was nice. I later went home after finishing movie. It was a pretty good day.

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