Day 21: Playful Recovery

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This will be Hawks POV

Ugh my head hurts, I don't remember much form yesterday. I just remember flying to ______'s house after a capturing a strong villain.  I tried to get up but it hurt so I immediately layer back down. I liked around to see I was on her couch. I also noticed her sleeping on a chair next to the couch. She had a bat resting on her leg and her head up toward the ceiling. She kind of cute like that.  I also noticed I was in a different set of cloths. This moment was ruined my a loud Screaming alarm.  She began to stir so I decided to just close my eye and listen to what she's gonna do.

I head a bit to rustling probably her getting up. The I felt her breath on me.
She sighed "still not awake I guess... well I guess I'll just make some breakfast. Then I can clean up his wounds maybe?"

It's nice to know she cared. I laid there in silence listening to her cook. Probably eggs and bacon again.  She was also sing a nice song to. I think it was an anime song. I don't remember it the name of it, it was slow but nice.

"Alright that should do it! Now I Should probably go get ready for the day." She said and walked away.

I heard the water running, she probably brushing her teeth. After a few more minutes I decided to try to get up again. I finally sat up and rest my head on the back of the couch.  

"Hawks! Your wake!" She said happily.


"Why on earth did you decide to go to my house and not an hospital?!?!"

"Your place was closest, besides clearly you took good care of me. Thank you," I said giving a smirk.

I could have sworn I saw a small blush before her walked over and playfully slapping my face.

"Damn bird you scare me half to death thinking a poorly trained robber wad trying to kill me. Let along you dying on my doorstep!" She said.

"Sorry but really tho I appreciate you helping me out."

She sighed and offered me breakfast. It was a nice morning, I texted my employees that I wouldn't be at the agency because I was badly injured. Which was true but I couldn't probably still worked if I wanted to.

"_______, so what you wanna do?" I asked.

"I was just planning to rest and do home stuff. Kai still hasn't contacted me about the cafe yet soo got nothing. Oh we should also probably change your bandages. I don't want them to get infected." She said.

Her voices was so sweet and tender. I love it. They way she spoke, how caring she is and how beautiful she is. Just perfect.

After breakfast she help me with the bandages.

"So did you like what you saw~ naughty girl. Getting me all undressed and everything." I teased.

She got flustered and said "What no! I mean it's not like your not good looking. Wait no! I mean ughhh Hawks no. It was an emergency and I was thinking that. Also you owe Kai a shirt. I had to cute holes in that."

I laughed at how cute she reacted, "wait what? Why would you have Kai shirt?"

"He gets way too drunk to go home sometimes. We like to vent our frustration together. More that I like to admit, you know like when you were blackout drunk on my couch."

"Wow. I feel like I should join you again. It be fun listening to drunk _____~"

"Oh hush." She said smiling.

It wasn't an eventful day but I enjoyed myself. Having ______ around is fun and I think I like it this way. Just me and _______ living our best if lives. It was great.

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