Sun. Day 11: Something Wrong

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I was finally able to back to work. Honestly I kinda miss this. To be able to see Hawks come in at his schedule times and haven't Kai play around as he made food. It was great to be back at work. Kai and I chatted a bit as we had a bit of free time.

"You seem chipper." Kai said.

"Mhm I like working here despite some Customers."

"I'm glad you do, how was the past few days." Kai asked.

"Pretty good actually. I had a lot of time to spend with Hawks. Isn't he the sweetest?"

"That's good."

Lunch rush comes by and I start to get a bit lightheaded as I worked. Some who I managed to work Through it. It was a bit tough as I keep getting some orders wrong. I just couldn't focus. Kai told me to go take a 10 minute break before going back out. It felt a bit better after but still I felt bad leaving Kai alone during lunch rush, even if it was a short time. Once it was less crowded Kai made sure I chair to sit down as I take the other orders.

As always Hawks came by at lunch break along with Mirko. He was immediately worried once he saw me.

"Are you okay? You look pale, do you need me to take you back home?" He asked.

"I'm okay, I'll be going home soon anyways. Don't worry okay? These things happen."

"You sure?"

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. He gently patted my back. After a few minutes he had let me go. I watch both Mirko and hawks as they talked about the recent missions. Kai would occasionally give his opinion and I stayed quiet for most of it. Keigo kept looking at my direction as he talked, I always just gave him a smile and continued eat my lunch. Keigo got a call and said he had to leave. He gave me one last look before going out.

"Girl, you don't look so good. I think it's better if I accompany you home in case any creeps art out." Mirko offered.

"No no I don't want to trouble you. I'll be fine."

"_______, as your friend, I don't think you should go alone. What if you pass out in the middle of the road. Knowing you, you probably won't be feeling any better soon right?" Kai said.

"Yeah it's not big deal girl! I can totally carry you home if I need to. I'll just consider it exercising!" Mirko said.

"Oh alright you two. You win." I said.

Kai and Mirko smiled at me. Once Mirko wad finished with her lunch she wait for me to get stuff and walked me home. It was quite interesting talking to such a strong headed person. It kept me from passing out, having someone to distract me. Of course Mirko would held on to me if I got too wobbly.

Once I was home I thanked Mirko and went straight to bed after a shower. I just had felt so drained that day. It was unbelievable, I get these episodes a lot where I get too lightheaded but this is a whole new level of tiredness. I instantly fell asleep on my bed.

I was woken up by the smell of food. I looked over at my phone, 10:00pm. I got up and went to the kitchen to see Kai and Keigo cooking together. Mostly Kai whispered yelling at Keigo not to burn the food.

"Hey boys." I said tiredly.

"Ah sh*t muffins!!!" Kai said "don't scare me like that."

"We didn't wake you did we?" Keigo said.

"Kinda, I smelled food."

"Hawks shouldn't never be allowed in a kitchen." Kai said.

"Hey I'm trying! Okay cooking is hard." He said defensively.

"Are you feeling better?" Hawks said as he looked at me.

"Not really, but I'm okay right now."

"Well I brought some stuff over so I can stay a little longer to make sure you're okay~" he said "but for now let's eat this slightly charred dinner."

The boys and I ate dinner and the. Kai left. Keigo kept asking me questions to see if I was okay or not. I appreciate it but it was also kind of annoying. After answering most of them I just told him I wanted to go to bed. We got ready for bed and we cuddled as we fall asleep.

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