Day 8: Dinner

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I had woken up with my bed empty aside form myself. Hawks was no long there. I looked over at the bedside table and saw a note.

Hey babybird, gotta go work. Something came up. I wished I could see your cute face when you woke up. I made breakfast so reheat it if you get the change.
- Love,
your Birdie.

I smiled at the note and was going to get ready but my body felt weak. I still managed some how. I got ready and was prepared to go to work after having the breakfast that Keigo had prepared. It was just a simple sandwich.  I pushed back at my own insufferable condition and got myself to work. Kai was immediately able to tell I wasn't at my 100% but I insist I wanted to work. He allow it but made sure I hade many many breaks in between. 

"Hey ______, your sure your okay to work right now?" Kai said worried.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, just a small episode. It won't stop me from doing my best." I said.

"Okay but just take a lot of breaks okay?" Kai said worriedly.

"Okay I will." I said.

True to my work I took a 10 minute break hour. It was better this way, not having them having to worry about me like I would shatter at any minute. I didn't want to tell him. I didn't have the heart to tell Kai. Keigo came by at lunch and we all had a small talk together. It wasn't much but it was enough to keep my distracted and I had fun talking to these men. Kai kelp glancing at me probably very worried about me. Keigo didn't hide his worry, he held be close like I was going to just disappear if he didn't. Both knew I didn't want to talk about it so they didn't. However that didn't stop them from worrying about me.

When I got home from work all I wanted to do was to sleep. I didn't even take a bath and just went straight to sleep on the couch.

When I had waken up I was in my bed. I got up at my confusion and went to the living room. Keigo was in my kitchen, he was what seem to be looking at a recipe on his phone. I went up to him and hugged him.

"Morning to you, sleeping beauty." He said.

"It's night time."

"Well how was your nap?"


"Well I'm trying to make dinner."

"Here I'll help." I said as I let him go.

We had a lot of fun making dinner together. It was nothing to difficult but it was a little tricky to make. We made a few jokes to as we cooked together.

"Thank you, you really didn't have to come to make dinner. You are probably tired form work and you came anyways."

"Of course, besides I like being around you. It recharges my battery like nothing else." He said as his wings flapped happily.

I giggled and we ended up eating dinner while watching (show/cartoon). It was nice and we were both comfortable. I couldn't stop myself from glancing over to Keigo every few minutes.

"You know~ if you need something talke to me love. You didn't need to stare at me." Keigo said teasingly.

"Your too cute you know~"

"I know~"

I leaned into him as we continued watching (show/cartoon) and we cuddled together after we finished our dinner.

"Good night love." Hawks said quietly as I slowly fall asleep.

"Good night, birdie."

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