Day 20: Normal Day with a Bird

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Your pov:

I got a call this morning form Kai that I can go to work again. It was pretty early so I made made breakfast for me and left the rest of hawks when he wakes. I wrote a little note for him when he wakes:

I have work! This breakfast is for you. Take it easy okay? At least until your wounds are healed. Your hero costume in the dryer. Oh and make sure you lock the door when you leave- "Cutie"

I left my house after that. I made my way to cafe and once I was there I was ready to work. Hawks didn't come by at morning. Probably because he had breakfast or he hadn't woken up yet. He did come by during lunch break.

"Heya~ Kai, ______" he said as he walked in.

"Glad you see you're not dead after showing up at _______ door beaten up." Kai said and handed him his lunch.

Hawks paid for it and said "well I had a pretty good nurse."

"Yeah I bet."

"Hawks, I thought you would take another day off at least before getting back on teh field." I said.

"Nah, I got recovery girl to help me! I'm all good now just tired. And I can handle that. Just because there isn't as much villains as before doesn't not mean this bird get to be lazy."


He smirk and started to enjoy his lunch.

"Boi is right. Man, you Should rest." Kai said.

"What ever you say dad." Hawks said laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh with him. This dork, lovable but still a dork. We talked for a little longer and the hawks left and then I left.

I stopped by a figurine shop mostly because I saw a figure that I was of Hawks in a very cool pose. Normally I wouldn't even look at these stuff but for some reason I feel like I should get it. It was slightly pricey than I expected but I got it anyways.

When I got home I unpacked the figurine and put it on my bedside table. I check the time and it was 8. I was bout to start dinner when I heard a knock.

"Hey~ I got take out wanna eat with me?" Hawks said when I opened the door.

"Sure I was just about to start making dinner myself." I said as he walked in.

"I'm glad i caught you in time then! Or maybe I don't cause I won't be able to taste your amazing cooking."

"Flattery gets you no way Bird Boi"

We talked our heads off after dinner. I kept staring at his wings the entire times they where gorgeous. Crimson red like a phoenix, they shimmer in the light. Red and yellow such a wonderful color combination.

"Hello? Earth to ______? My eyes are up here." Hawks said.

"Huh? What was that?"

"Your staring, I mean who can blame you? I'm fabulous~"

"Their just beautiful. Your wings I mean. I never really got a good look at them. Even if there smaller than normal."

"It takes a few days to regrow. I'll let you touch it when they are."


"Yup. I'd do it for a kiss~"

"Never mind." I said annoyed.

"I'm joking. But I wouldn't mind a kiss" he laughed.

"You dorky narcissist." I said playfully punching his arm.

"Hey, as my nurse you really shouldn't be hitting me." He said then dramatic fakes a fall on the couch.

We both laughed and each other silliness. It was great. I could help about Hawks. At that moments I knew I had screw myself over. I'm falling for him.

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