Day 25: Bad Luck

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-slight self harm at the end

Well this was unexpected. I know I'm all about living life the best I can but this might be a bit intense.

"All right everyone! Give me your money!"

Lunch rush always our most busy of times and just our luck that someone decided to come along and try to kill us and getting our money.

"Hey man calm down no need to... just let go of the kid."

I can't even press the emergency button. Everyone scared including me. Monday it was the mall collapsing and now a robbery. I'm probably one of the most unlucky person right now. 

"Hey you!"  The robber point his gun at me.

"Yes?" I was scared frozen.

"Get the money!"

I looked over to Kai and gave me a resulting nod. I grab the bag he threw at me and careful to move away from the cashier. I went to our customer and held the bag in-front of them.

"Sorry." I said apologetically.

I glance over to Kai who was slowly moving around probably trying to call 119 while the robber has his eyes on me. Once I was don't I gently set the bag in front of him.

"Good now go back to where you were!"

I did as I was told. This was when the hero's showed up in-front of the cafe.

"Sh*t who called the F*cking Cops" the robber shouted angrily pointing his guns. 

Everyone just look terrified as the coops tried to get in. The robbery probably not the most experienced but at least he's consistent.  Then I noticed a certain red feather sneaking in form the crack between the door. Immediately knew who owned the sneaky feather. I kinda of was a little amused actually. Maybe it was the adrenaline but I wondered what Hawks would do right now.

"Ummmm. Sir" I sheepishly say.


"You can try the back door?"

"If your trying to trick me it's not gonna work missie."

"I'm not, I'm just trying not to Get K.O"

He looked around.  While he was distracted the feather that snuck in knock the gun off the robbers hand. Of course just my luck it misfires and shoots right toward me. I quickly ducked and rolled away, you know in case it bounced back.

Everything after that I was terrified. I didn't remember much I just waited for the hero's to handle everything. I was to scared so I just hid and closed my eyes. I heard a lot of yelling but after a bit it all calmed down. I felt someone rest here hand on my shoulder. I flinched and scooted away.

"Hey it's okay now."

It was Kai, and look up at him. He gave me a smile and helped me up. I felt a little  lightheaded but Kai caught me.  He guide me to a chair and helped me sit. The hero's where still in the cafe to make sure everyone is okay.

"Your not hurt right Ms?"

I looked up to see Tsukuyomi looking at the both of us. I nodded "just a little lightheaded from all that action."

"Do you need a paramedic?"

"No I'll be fine."

Tsukuyomi nodded and went to check on the other customers. I looked up and of course Hawks was there checking if everyone was okay, he glanced over a few times, it was nice to know he cared.

After everyone had left, I helped Kai with clean up despite him trying to get me to rest.  It took the rest of the day to get things cleaned and mostly ready. But one coffee machines broke so he had to order a replacement. Kai also told me he be closing the cafe for few days. Understandable and I'm honestly glad, I get to have time by myself for a bit.

I managed to get home safely, just went I was able to go in someone greeted me.

"HOLY Mamas!!!" I yelled and turned aroun with my Keyes ready to stab whoever that was. 

"Woah cutie it's just me." Hawks said as he held his hands up.

"Don't scare me like that! I thought your trying to kill me or something." I said.

"Sorry. I just wanna check on you."


"Welll at least this time I have reason to with everything that happened in the cafe. You seemed pretty shaken up. I didn't even get a chance to go to you to check."

I opened the door and offered him entry "Well, thank you. As you can see I am fine just startled by a giant bird man sneaking up on me."

He laughed and walked in.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"No, in actually about to start cooking. Wanna join me?"

"You don't mind, little cutie?"

"Just come help before I change my mind."

The rest of the night played out as before. Hawks jointing me for dinner we watch a movie and talked for a bit. He help with my bandages, frowning seeing the new cut I made. He stayed in my house again and he slept on the couch. I slept on my bed. I insist he go home be he didn't listen.

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