Day 24: Life and Friends

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The morning was fine, and I woke up. It was early so I made breakfast after my morning cycles and a giant ache of pain. Being a women is hard. But at the bright side I don't have to go out today. Hawks woke up a little after me. Like last night he rinsed his mouth off in the sink. 

"Thank you for breakfast, ______." He said with a smile.

"No problem."

"Want me to change your bandages?"

"No I did it in when I woke up."

It was just simple small talk after that. He left a after helping me clean my plates.  I look over at the time and see that I had a lot of time before lunch. So I decided to clean my house.  It's been a little while since I did. Vacuuming, mopping, wiping down counter top and all that jazz.

After lunch I checked my cabinets and my fridge. I am in desperate need of a restock so despite not wanting to. I decided to go get my groceries so I don't starve myself. I got a list ready, double checked my wallet and head out. I walked around the groceries store looking for the items I needed. It wasn't until I landed at the meat section I started thinking about Hawks.

'Hmmm, should I get some for him too?' I though.

I shook my head, thinking I was crazy. I mean we had 2 meals together... okay maybe a few and here I am thinking about him? I thought that I was being weird and maybe a bit of a creep thinking about a person I barely knew. I ended up grabbing the extra chicken anyways. I mean maybe it be a good idea, try a new recipe. It can just be for myself and not Hawks.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I went home and started to cook. It wasn't fancy but I definitely made too much.  I was about to eat when the door bell rang. I groaned as I hated to be interrupted to eat my deliciously cooked meal if I do say so myself. I got up and open the door, it was Hawks and Kai.

"You up for a friends night? I bumped into Hawks on the way soo I ask Fi wanted to join." Kai said holding a bag out and giving me a smile.

"I was about to eat, but sure. Have you had dinner yet? I made to much." I said. Slightly irritated.

"Heh...heh... sorry. Thank for the offer, oooo ooo let me go heat thsi up and we can all eat!!" Kai said and walked in.

Hawks stayed by the door as we both watch Kai disappear into my kitchen.

"Bird boi, this is becoming a habit isn't it?"

"You don't like it cutie?" He teased.

"I never said that, but I feel like you probably have better places to be." As I gesture him come in.

"Well I don't, and yes that is if you don't mind." He replied.

"Well don't stand ther Birdie, my food is going to get cold. I made chicken~"

As soon as he heard chicken he quickly came in and helped set up the table for the extra 2 people. 

"Oooooo this smellls delicious!" Hawks said.

"HohO it is! ______ cooking is pretty good," Kai agreed.

"Let's eat!" I said.

We ate and talke a little, mostly about what did today and stuff. A little bit about ourselves.

"Sooo how long have you guys known eachother?" Hawks asked curiously.

"Awhile maybe highschool? Or middle school?" Kai said.

"Middle school, " I said "what about you and Kai?"

"About 5 years ago, back when I started my agency. I was still trying o find a good place to eat. Since I don't really cook. Let me tell you Kai chicken menus items are Absolutely perfect! I started going there every single damn day. I just couldn't get enough of it." Hawks said.

"Although we didn't become friends until like 3 years ago. Damn cocky bastard talks a lot. Mostly about himself and how cool endeavor is. We had a whole a** debate on it too." Kai said " I didn't like Endevor one bit. Still don't but I can see why Hawks like him."

"Sounds fun." I said sarcastically.

We also got a little drunk after that so I don't remember what happen. I just knew we were yelling about how crappy our lives were. Kai and his Cafe being robbed, how he almost lost his cat and how he had to deal with crazy customers all the time. Hawks complained about his life and how the old commission sucked. I complained about the ungodly luck I had I mean seriously the past week was sh*ty.

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