Day 26: Day to Remember

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I had woken up next to Hawks the next morning. We didn't do anything we just talked until we couldn't. I removed myself from my couch and went to the bathroom.  In it I did my Daily routine and let my blood drain for a few minutes before rewrapping the bandages. After cleaning up make sure that Hawks didn't have to see the mess. I went back to my to the living room check if my feathered friends still asleep. He was so I decided to make breakfast for the both of us.  As I was pan frying the eggs I felt a pair of hands wrapped around me. I flinched but soon relaxed after seeing it was Hawks.

"Do you always do this with women or is it just me?" I asked focused on not getting the eggs burnt.

"Just you." His voice was lower, this was probably his morning voice. Damn it's hot. I hate that it's is but I'm not going to admit that. Not to him.

"Well good morning." I said.

He gave me a small groan in return and let go of me. He asked for a cup, and I gladly told him where it was. He turned the sink on and drank some water. Then he gargled the water and sip it back out in the sink. It was probably to clean his mouth since I don't have anything for him.

After a little while I set the table and let him join me for breakfast.

"It's not a chicken sandwich but I hope you like it." I said to him before I started to eat.

"Thank you, cutie." He said.

We talked while we had breakfast together.

"Did you change your bandages again?"


"What's the plan today?"

"Nothing much. It's Saturday so day off  maybe just enjoy life a little I guess."

"Let me stay a little longer? Maybe we can do something nice, like yesterday. I have a day off too so."

"Why the sudden interest?"

"Like I said I wanna get to know you."

".... It's a bad idea." I said looking away from him.

I try not to get anyone close knowing what's going to happen to me. I don't want to have the hurt because of me. I always keep everyone at arm length, yet here I am with this bird, who came in my life not a few days ago trying to get close to me.

"Well, we can go flying? Oh maybe another movie day?" Hawks said trying to convince me.

"Fine, you win. I guess we can hangout."

His eyes immediately lit up, his wings were slightly fluttering to. It was kind of cute but I shouldn't be thinking like that.

He did take me out to fly, like he said. It was scary I held on to him as close as humanly possible. I maybe practically at death's doors but I'm not actively trying to go there faster. 

"Come on cutie look and see. It's beautiful." Hawks said.

"Na-uh" I said.

"It be worth it."

I slowly open my eyes, only to see Hawks looking down on me. His golden amber eyes with flawless eyeliner, it was mesmerizing. I'd probably be blushing If I wasn't so scared.

"Come on look. I promise I won't drop you."

I turned away from him and look over. It was beautiful, everything was as so small. So freeing. Is this what Hawks feels when he flys. We didn't say anything to each, just comfortable silence, enjoying each-other company. despite this wonderful view my mind seemed to stray. Thinking. Thinking of Hawks, why would he pick me of all people to be friends with? Why is he... trying so hard. Is it because he's a hero? Is this was hero's do? Make people like me happy, even if it just a little.

After a little longer he finally landed on a Random building roof. He gently set me down and we stay by each other's side.

"How'd you like it."

"It's like .... I don't know. So...."


"Yeah that. It's like I don't have to worry about life. Just us in the sky, no one else and nothing to worry. And you get to do this all the time right?"

"Mhm, not as much as I used to though. Back before my wings were badly damaged. Damn I thought I never fly again. But here I am." He said.

"Birdie, I'm glad your here." I said.

"I'm glad I met you too," he looked back at me with a smile. It wasn't his typical smirk he give me or Kai, it was sweet and so full of love.

"Who would have thought, me a regular old person, hanging out with the #2 hero. My hero."

"Well you were cute and brave how can I not?"

"You really shouldn't have."

Not much time later he took me to a good restaurant and we had dinner together. I was stubborn and wanted to pay but he insisted he pay. In the end he paid in the guys of "I owe you for letting me stay in your house."

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