Day 5: Awake.

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Your pov:

I couldn't believe it... Keigo... he really did it. Chances were low but for the first time in ages I first time in ages I felt hope. I woken up and I saw Keigo sleeping at my side. He probably woken up earlier. When I look at him all I can think of is what I did to deserve such a man. He was perfect and I'm in love with his dork. I gently stroked his hair with my other hand that Keigo wasn't holding on to. I didn't want to wake him up. We stay like that for good while until he work up. His golden eye's looks at me with the utmost love, I'd never get tired of it.

"Morning.... Cute Birdie. Here I thought you where early bird. It's the afternoon." I said quietly.

He held my hand against his hand and looking up at me "I can say that to you to love... I was so scared. I thought.... I thought I lost you.."

"Well I'm here. And alive. Not dead yet~"

"Why didn't tell me that you... were that sick. I couldn't have.. done something..." he said.

He wasn't scolding me but it came out as worried and scared.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to you already have so much to worry about. Besides I long given up on finding something.. it's not fair that you come along and help me solve everything.... You... you...I felt bad... for putting so much on you. We barely new each other for a month and ..."

"______, it doesn't matter how much time. I know I love you. And you know you love me. We be there for eachother... that's what it means to be in a relationship right? To be there when the other need help." Keigo said as he kissed my hand.

"Keigo.... What did I do to deserve you?" I said.

"Being yourself. I love you. Everything your perfect form those (color eyes) to yoru wonderful personality. I love you and I wouldn't know what I do if I lost you. This was the best month I ever had."

"Anyone would had given up on me..." I said.

"I'm not just anyone sweet heart, I'm hawks. A hero that's too fast for his own good. And I'm quite a optimistic man. And if I want something I'll take to for my own, and I want you."

"Oh keigo your so cruel~" I said jokingly.

"But you love me."

"HMM I don't know. You gotta save me a few more time before I fall head over Heels for you Mr. Savior." I joked

"I'll save you a hundred times if I have to." He laughed.

"You really the best Keigo." I said as I leaned I've to kiss his forehead.

"You missed." He said and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back.

"Waoh! Okay I came to see if your okay but if you guys can make out like that I'm just going to leave." Kai said interrupting us.

We immediately separated and I was embarrassed. Keigo gave a groan and looked over to Kai. He wasn't very happy that we got interrupted.

"I'm glad your doing well right now." Kai said sincerely.

"Yeah. Little nervous too. About the whole thing."

"I went to UA this morning." Kai said.

"For what."

"For Ms. Eri. I asked about permission to use the drug. Since it didn't feel right to you know take advantage of something that came out of such a horrible situation. She said we can. Soo Hawks doesn't have to worry about that."

"Thank you, Kai. I own you both alot." I said as I took hold of both of their hand.

They smiled and hugged me. Gently of course.

"Keigo, please go home and take a proper rest okay? For me? I'm worried about your health if you keep sleeping like that your going to get back problems."

"I'm not that old!" He said.

"No, but I still want you to not stay in the hospital to sleep. Okay?"

"Fine fine." He said reluctantly.

They spent the rest of the day with me. We played games and we had dinner together. By the end, they both left and I had fallen asleep.

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