Day 22: Play Nurse

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I woke up in a bad mood.  Maybe because of the conversation me and Kai had yesterday. Am I in love? I mean yeah he's hot, cool and nice.  Maybe because he's a hero? He's not just a play boy that he are himself to be. There something about him that just is comforting. Sweet, caring and playful. Is it to soon to say I'm in love? Does he feel the same?  I let got a sign and dragged myself away from my bed. I got ready for the day.

Y: you
H: Hawks

H: Morning cutie.

Y:  Hi.

H: how's your morning?

Y: Meh. Just thinking about things

H: like me? 🥴

Y: ah yes! I'm fact I was thinking if I can make chicken nuggets out of you 🤭😉

H:😱😱😱 noooo I'm to beautiful to die

Y: Lol I can't even catch you, you can fly birdie.

H: Yup.

Y: how was work? You seem to be in rush yesterday

H: yeah I got that handled, what you worried?

Y: shut it u

H: 😂 well I gtg sooo call you or meet you later

It made me happy he make time to text me. It was fun. That was enough for me to keep my mind off of the what if's. Nothing much really happened this day. Kai still had the cafe closed so I couldn't work. I went on a jog. Then I also did some (hobby), it was fun. Just a simple self care day.  The craziness happened at night. I was just about to head to bed when I heard something crash into my door. 

"What the h*ck"

I grab the bat that i always kept by the door and got ready in case it was an intruder. If it was there not doing a good job of intruding. I peak out and Boy I was not prepared on what I saw. It was Hawks passed out on the floor. I quickly opened the door to see if he was awake.

"Hawks??! " I said

He was not, and had many cut on him. His wings even seem smaller then usual. It's beyond me how my neighbors didn't wake up or they just plain didn't care. Who knows author Chan not about to use brain cells to explain that. I just ended up dragging Hawks into my home.

I place him on my couch. _____ you can do this, you cleaned your own wounds before you can do thsi for hawks. I took off his clothes, until he was only in his boxers. To be fair he had cuts all over. I went to get my medical kit and clean his wound. It took about 3 hours to clean and bandage all the wounds. I was pretty lucky that he and Kai's build his similar. Kai like to keep a pair or two of cloths here at my house in case he ever got drunk and need a change. We did that pretty often, so I offered him a small cabinet for his cloths in case.

I dressed him. 'Sorry Kai I'll buy you a new shirt.' I thought as I had to cut the shirt to fit Hawks wings.

I called Kai out of panic after that.

"______ is 3 in the morning, what the F*ck you call me for?" Understandable irritated he said groggy.

"I panicked okay? I found Hawks, he looks like he had been beaten up. And I had to sacrifice a shirt."

"What? Is he okay? Why didn't you just call an ambulance or something?"

"I don't know?! Like I said I panicked! I clean up up and everything what do I do man???"

"I don't know? Keep him there? If he doesn't wake up call someone? Preferably not me"

"Okay. I'll keep and eye on him. Sorry to bother you. Also I'll get you a new shirt."

"Eh it's fine. Just get hawks to get me a shirt." He joked and ended the call.

"Welp time to play nurse I guess."

I stayed up all night.

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