Day 1 (Good ending): Family

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(Good ending)

Your Pov:

I heard voices talking over me. I felt something holding on to my hand. The thing I notice the most prominently was how my head was pound. 'Damn headaches are the worst.'

The voice slowly became more clear.

"Don't you have to work man?"

"Don't you have to work too?"

"Hey! Don't bounce my question back. You first!"

"I just gave paperwork today and if I can do it here I sure as heck will."

"No patrols or anything?"

"Nope. Now your turn."

"Maintenance, there was a plumbing issue. I thought I check ______ since I'm free."

"Well that's unfortunate, here I was thinking I can get a chicken sandwich later."

"Yeah yeah, you and your chicken sandwiches. Anyways how is she?"

"She hasn't woken up yet. Recovery girl said she okay right now and to contact her when she does. It was a experimental procedure so it's hard to tell."

"Okay. By the way Hawks, you got any suggestion on food? I wanna add more to the menu at my cafe."

"More chicken. And I'll even taste test! I'll even do a prom- never mind on that I kinda like having a little place to go.

"You just want to get me to make chicken for you."

They both laughed, it wasn't hard to figure out who they were after that.

"Is chicken all you think about, silly bird?"

It came out slightly broken and quite but I think he heard me.

"Well Actual—- Holy your wake? YOUR WAKE!" Keigo said happily.

"I'm alive yes." I said as I opened my eyes to look at him.

"I'll go get Recovery girl or someone." Kai said.

Keigo immediately went in for a hug. It was gentle but I can feel how much he cared.

"I was so worried, babybird." He said softly.

"I'm here." I said as I gently patted his had.

"I'm so happy. Your okay."

"We don't know that yet."

"Just be quiet and let me hold you."

Few seconds later Keigo had to let go of me. Recovery girl came in and teh boys left to give us some privacy. Recovery girl have a couple of basic checks, making sure I'm okay, nothing was wrong and all that. She did some blood work and  told me what happened after I blacked out.

"Okay dear, we will keep a eye on you for a little longer. In a few days if everything is good you'll be free to go. You will also have to come in a month later to see if your quirk came back or not. It be a few frequent checks and later once we are sure, you will no longer need to come in as frequently. "

"Thank you Recovery girl, really. Thank you so much for everything. I can finally have a normal life thank you you and Hawks..." I said.

"No problem it's my job. I'll have someone give you some painkillers for that headache of yours. For now just rest."

Once she left the boys came back in. Keigo immediately clung on to me like he was clinging on for dear life.

"So how did it go?"

"They need to keep an eye on me, but if everything goes as planned, then all be completely free form my curse of a quirk."

"That great to hear!!! That means you will have that normal life you alway wnated" Kai said.

"Eh as normal as it can get with a chicken for a boyfriend and a hero fan boy as a best friend."

"hey!" They both said.

A few seconds later was all bursting out laughing. I couldn't as for more. I loving boyfriend and a great best friend. They were my family. I am happy to be with them.

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