Sun. Day 18: Friends

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I thought a lot about yesterday and Hawks. Dorky man who's always ready for a fun time. He's always making time for me. Even when he's busy, he tries to come to make sure I'm okay. Is this okay? For me to like him? I can't. I shouldn't! I thought back to the conversation Kai and I had.

'... Whatever happens just make sure you don't regret it. He doesn't regret it.'

Maybe just for now let's just be friends. It be selfish of me too not let him be. He deserves someone better that me. Someone who can stay by his side forever. I sighed and got my self to work. When I got there Kai was already looking at me werid. It was pretty apparent that I was in a bad mood.

"Okay what's wrong?" Kai said.

"I think I'm falling in love. And I don't know what to do, you know with everything with me."

"It's about Hawks right?"

"Yeah. He's cute and nice. He always seems to care so much! Maybe that just him being a hero. He's nothing like what he shows on TV. He seems like a play boy but he's just a dorky little bird man," I said "and I don't wanna be in love! I don't want to hurt him."

"Did you confess?"

"No I just figured I like him yesterday!"

"Well just let it play out then. That's what you always do. Just go with the flow."

"This is different Kai. The more time I spend with him, I might fall deeper! What do I do then?"

"Then love him, tell him about you. Love is something unpredictable. If he does tell you he loves you or you tell him.  Then tell him about your Quirk.  If he leaves you then that his loss."

"But wh-"

"No what if's. Just let it happen. Dangerous road yes but at least you would have known. Known if he like you or not. You would have experience love, you can check that off in a list of things you wanna do."

"Okay now I know your messing with me. I don't have that on my bucket list"

Kai laughed and patted me on the shoulder "Like I said before."

"Make sure you don't regret it and that he doesn't regret it. Right?"


I took Kai advice, just let it happen. He's right that shouldn't worry too much. For now I content being Hawks friend and watching him fly free.  Hawks came by last the usual times and we chatted a bit. Mostly him talked about work and stuff. I mentioned a few unruly costumers.  At the end of the day I help clean the Cafe and was about to leave when Hawks came by.

"Your later than usual Bird boy." Kai said.

"Yeah I know. I had a few things I need to get gone. Soo by any chance I can get my dinner?" Hawks said slightly apologetically.

"Well I ate it~ so let's go out to have dinner together and Get Blackout drunk again woooo!"

"He for a fact didn't eat it. He just want to get drunk." I said laughing as I handed the take out to him.

"I'll save this for later then. So where we heading?" Hawks said.

"______? Want join us?" Kai said as I nodded.

We ended going to a ramen place not far from the cafe. It was nicely decorated and they had Booze too.  Hawks being welll Hawks drew a lot of attention as we walked the streets. He had been constantly stopped for photo, autographs, you name it he done it in the hour it took to  walk to the Ramen shop. Yes an hour, the Ramen shop was only about 20 minutes away too.

We ordered and the cashier was super nice too. She told Hawks she's a fan and that he's a great hero blah blah blah. She was respectful at least after asking for a autograph and a picture. 

"Geez must be hard to be popular." Kai said.

"It was a lot worse back before the LOV. But I like this it's less overwhelming than before."

"Speak of which it was so damn chaotic back then. I'm just glad everything worked out."

"Yeah it was tough be at least now everything is mostly back to normal."

Our order came as we talked about the past.

"Sooo~ tell me about you guys!" Hawks said.

"Not much to say really. I mean I guess one cool thing would be we went to UA Only in then general education course tho." I said.

"That's cool, you know Tsukuyomi also went to UA."

"Kai was the cool one, he did participate in the sport festival and took down a few hero course students in his year. He could have totally be came a hero."

"Nah too much work man. I can't even imagine having that much responsibility in my shoulders. Honestly I didn't even expect that I got that far either." Kai said.

"Fight me." Hawks said jokingly.

"Yes fight! Fight! Fight!" I chanted.

"What no? You loser in 2.5 seconds" Kai said.

We all laughed and just continued to talk and drink got the rest of the night. We ended up staying at Kai's place because it was closest. Also we did want to go too far as both Hawks and Kai got way to drunk. I just didn't drink as much as those two but I was tipsy.

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