Day 9: Bad News

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I went to the doctor in the after noon after work. I told them what had happened yesterday and this morning when I coughed up more blood. They did a few test on me.  Me and the doctor talked a bit more.

"You seem in a bad mood," They said.

"Well when your dying your always in a bad mood."

"No I mean like, normally you aren't this down about hearing bad news."

"I met someone.... Someone I love... someone that was willing to accept me despite this." I looked at my hands as I talked to them.

"Well... you don't want to leave them. Do you?"

"Yeah.... For the first in a long time I felt I had something to live for. And it's being taken away at a moment's notice. For the first time I wished I had more time."

"The cherish the time you have with them." They said.

A few minutes later the results came in...

"Well are you ready to hear it?" The doctor asked.


"______, even with the blood letting its.... The venom in your blood is slowly skyrocketing. It's a lot more compared to a year ago."

"Soo how long?"

"2 weeks at most.  I won't sugarcoat it, you don't have time. There's not really any way to help.... No new treatments we can try anti-venom agian."


"But it mostly only delay it for a few days. A week at most."

"I see...."

"Listen just spend the most of it the way you want okay?"

"Hey Doc got any love advice." I asked jokingly trying to lighten the mood.

"Tell them the truth. They deserve to know. So you came spend your time together." 

I nodded. I was mostly speechless. I didn't know what should do. I went home straight after that. I decided against telling Keigo. He didn't need to know, all I need to do it make sure he never regrets choosing me. 

When I went home that day, I sat quietly thinking about Keigo and the past few weeks. I thought about how we met, how he had saved me, how he had brought color in my life. If you would have told me I'll end up falling in love a year ago I wouldn't have believed it. Yet here I am...  oh Keigo.... I'm sorry. Hawks came home later and he came and sat next to me.

"Soo how did it go?"


"You okay, Cutie?" He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah~ I'll be okay." I said smiling.

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek "That's great to hear. I'm glad everything will work out."

I tried my best to keep composure and just focus on the now. I forced myself to not show it. I didn't want Keigo to worry. He already had so much on his plate. It be wrong of me to do so... we went on to our regular old antics, talking about silly things.

"Hey since your a bird does that mean you can lay eggs?" I asked curiously.

"What? No. Who gave you that idea?"

"The internet."

"Just because I am an avian does not mean I can lay eggs." He said laughing.

"Hey Kei? Can I touch your wings?" I asked shyly.

"Of course just be gentle there a bit sensitive. Especially around the base."

He turned around and spread his wings a little for me. I gently caress his wings. They felt very soft to the touch. Looking at it up close they where beautiful as always. I gently Pete's the base and rest my head between his wings.

"Thank you Kei. Truly." I said quietly.

"Ah... hehe. No problem..." he said.

I looked up to see his face a bit red.

"Kei you okay?"

"I'm more than okay. But can you umm.... Get off please. It feelsss too good." He said embarrassed.

I smirked and said "looks like I found your weakness"


I laugh and remove myself from him. He turned back around and held be close. He carried me to my bed and we had fallen asleep together.

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