Day 13: My Dorky Bird

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Keigo was super caring this morning. He carried me around the house whenever I need to move around. I told him multiple times that he didn't need to but he insisted. I had to force him to go work, honestly who would have thought the big strong Hawks would have such a cute soft side. Keigo was very sweet to me and I love that about him.

Not much happens today just a lot of texting Keigo or Kai and watching _(show/anime)_. It was nice to have a calm day like today. I had nothing to do but think about the crazy week. I was grateful of everything but for some reason something didn't feel right. I decided push past that thought and continued watching  (show/anime.)

I took a nap and woke up too Keigo playing wit. My hair as he watch something on my tv.

"Kei?" I said sleepily

"Did I wake you?" Keigo said as he looked down at me.

His amber eyes looking directly into my own (colored) eyes.  I smiled and leaned against him.

"I really love you. You know that?"  I said.

He blushed and seemed to got really flustered. Even though he's always the one make the one liners and flirts.

"I love you to." He said kissing the top of my head.

"How was work, Birdie?"

"It was nice. Took down a few villains. Nothing worthy of talking. Tones of paperwork. Ugh paperwork"

"It's though being a hero huh?"

"Yeah but it's worth it, if it means other hero's get a little more time to spare. And the people are safe."

"Hero through and through. I see. Hero's job is never done is it?"

"Nope, but maybe one day. And then I don't worry about you being kidnapped or something because your my girlfriend."

"Your worried about that?"

"Of course I am. I mean come on I'm the former #2, I have many enemies. And I know how crazy some Fan girls/boys can be. If I had a choice I probably show you off to the entire world."

"That's a lovely sentiment. But it wouldn't be so bad if I had a knight in shining armor to save me~" I said jokingly.

"Then you be my princess~ I'll be your knight. Like those fairytales,"  He said kissing the top of my head.

"You Dork."

"But I am a handsome Dork."

I laughed and he laughed with me. You its moments like this that I will cherish my entire life. Just Me and Keigo in the comfort of my home together. This sweet sweet moment wad ruined by my stomach growling, I blushed and looked over to Keigo again.

He smiled and said "let's get something to eat. Take out again? Or should I make something?"

"No! No thanks. I love you but you nearly burnt my kitchen down trying to make a nice dinner that one time. I like my apartment thank you."

"Hey! I didn't I just burnt the dinner."

We laugh it off and called Kai for a custom delivery. We thought he be funny and he did it anyways which was surprising.  He came by and Keigo let him in.

"How's your ankle?" Kai ask as he sat next to me.

"It's doing okay. A lot better actually with you two hanging around."

Keigo sat on the other side of me after heat up the take out that Kai had so graciously came with. Keigo paid him after  we both insisted he take our money. Yes me and Keigo had bickering for about 1o minutes before he ended up paying.

"And that is how you win a battle." Keigo said proudly.

"You know normally people would argue about who's not paying." Kai said laughing.

"Well were built different." We both said.

"Besides I got the money to spare and I plan to spoil you rotten." Keigo said as he pinched my cheeks.

"Hey! I don't need that. Your company is enough~" I said.

"That's why I love you~" Keigo said.

Kai faked gaged "you two are really ment to be. Not even 5 days and already lovey dovey."

"Love is love. Right?" I quoted him.

"I hate you." Kai said.

"No you don't. If you did you would have left me alone along time ago." I said confidently.

We all had good laugh and decided to watch a movie together. After that Kai left, and it was just me and Hawks again.

"Best few days I had." Keigo said.

"Ya. You and me both."

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