Day 16: Wonderful Morning

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Hawks pov:

Ugh my head hurts. Last thing I remember was fighting with a villain with Mirko. I tried to get up but something was holding me tight. I decided to open my eyes. I look down to see my clothes shredded. And I looked down and see ______ hugged me close. I didn't have the heart to wake her. She looked so comfortable and I wrapped my arms around her. I couldn't help it. I think I'm falling for her. She's just so adorable, in every way imaginable. And a lovely personality, she never saw me as just a hero. She saw me for me. I smiled and held here closer to me.  I looked around a bit more, this must be her room. I saw a 2 plushie of me on here beside table. I felt a bit giddy knowing that she had plushies of me. It made me happy.

It took another hour until she started to move around more. I looked down and waited to see when she wakes up.  Here eyes fluttered open, those beautiful ________ eyes. She immediately got flustered and pushed away. I couldn't help but laugh.

"How long have you been a wake staring at me." She said she said embarrassed.

"Not long about and hour?" I said smirking.

"You could have woken me up. And unmmm... sorry for sleeping on you."

"Cutie, if it means I get to wake up next to you~ I don't mind at all."

"I'll get you something to wear." She said walking away.

The mystery still in waiting, why was I in her house? And what happened to me? Is Mirko okay, who am I kidding she's Mirko she's going to be okay. ______ walked back in with a new set of clothes for me. Yet another cut up y-shirt to fit my wings.

"Don't worry about this one, I got it for you." She said and left to what I presume to do her daily routines.

"Thanks." I said before she left.

I kept an eye on here until she left the room. As I changed into the clothes she gave me, my mind started to wonder. It's been a good week or two since I met here and yet she always had bandages covering her arms. Now that I think about it she might have even had bandages before too when I save her. I'm worried.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when she walked backwards in and said "Hawks can you get out so I can change?"

I nodded and left her be. I walked out of her room. I looked over to the couch as see the pillows arranged differently, there was one corner that had a little nest of pillows. Her coffee table had a few trinkets too, bottle caps, shiny rocks and a few other items too. They where really pretty in my opinion. I looked over to the kitchen and decided to try to make something. It wasn't fancy but I managed to make some French toast using items in her fridge and cabinet.

I can ask here later what happened to me. Something felt different, it was nice, I don't remember what but I couldn't help but feel a little closer to ______. Maybe because I spent the night with her? No can't be that right. I mean this is first time we were in a bed together. Omg did I do something? Did I got so black out drunk that didn't remember anything? Probably not. I hope not anyways.

"I made breakfast." I said as she walked out of her room.

"Thank you, but you shouldn't have Hawks. You my guest." _____ said nicely.

"Nah, I fell like I owe you. I don't remember Crap but I have a feeling you help me. Beside it was nice sleeping with you."

"God don't remind me. Just pretend you never saw that we where sharing a bed and I just so happen to cuddle you." She said embarrassed.

I laugh and said "I can't help it your cute when your sleeping. Even more cute when your mad. Then again your always cute."

"Oh shut it." She said as she blushed as red as my wings.

"So what happen."

"Baby Hawks happened. You were turned into a kid. I just took care of you after Mirko came by the cafe. She said you wouldn't stop squawking. She bought baby you a chicken sandwich."

"Sh*t I hope I wasn't a pain in the a** for you."

"No, you were an Angel. I just feel bad for you. You were so scared when you accidentally broke a plate."


"You don't have to talk about it okay? Must be tough. Your childhood I mean."

".... Yeah. I didn't really have a childhood. My family wasn't the best and we were poor. But hey look at me know a hero." I said

"You do-"

"No I want too. I guess it just really nice hang out with you."

We end that topic soon after she got a call from Rumi(Mirko's real name) . She probably got her phone number when Rumi let her watch baby me. ______ handed her phone to me and let Rumi and me talk. She told me that i should probably contact my agency that i was turned back. She also told me I should have the day off too just in case anything happened mess something in my body. After that _____ had to leave for work.

"There some snacks in the fridge, you can watch a movie or two if your staying. Those things on the table is yours. You pick them up while in baby mode."

"Really I can't think you enough." I said to her giving her a hug.

"No problem. Just what friends do."

She left for work. The rest of day was boring, I spent it in her apartment. When she came home she came back with a few things of mine. She said Rumi had dropped them off for me at the cafe when Rumi wad their for a carrot smoothie. I tried making dinner even with her objections. I TRIED but I don't usually make anything complicated. we ended up getting take out to eat. She was nice about it but it was burnt to a crisp. Oops. I ended up staying for another night, this time on the couch.

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