Epilogue: Happy endings

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About a year later, Keigo announced that he had a significant other, he didn't outright said who I was but he wanted t let the world know he was taken. It was also around this time Keigo asked to marry him. Of course I said yes. He proposed after taking me on picnic dates under the stars. It was very romantic and I was so happy he did.

Our wedding wasn't big, it was a small event with a few people. I didn't have much people that I consider family and I invited a few close friends. Hawks invited Endeavor and a few of his friends. He tried to invite his mother but he had no idea where to find her after she ran away. He really wanted his mother to be there to meet me.

1 year after our marriage, we adopted a kid. He's name was Zen, he was a very sweet kid and I feel I love the moment we spent a little time together. Not that it matter to us but he was also quirkless. He was 8 and lost his parents to villains. Zen late told us that many other people didn't want him because he was quirkless and he was insecure about it. We made sure he felt loved and that we didn't care that he's quirkless. I didn't want to have kids of our own mainly because I didn't want to pass down my quirk. Of course nothing goes as planned and keigo accidentally got me pregnant. We were every worried for there future. I panicked over there future and I hoped they didn't get my quirk. Keigo panicked on worrying if he be a good father to the baby. We made sure that Zen knew no matter what he still be our son and we be sure to give him equal attention too. Thank fully they were healthy when they were born, I can to get a c-section but we were all okay. I named the girl Stella and Keigo named thy boy Astro. They were born at night during a full moon with many stars visible. Astro was born with little white wings and Stella did not. Stella looked more like Hawks and Astro looked more like me.

Once the twins was 5, keigo began teaching Astro how to fly. Stella thankfully didn't get my quirk, instead her quirk was called Cloud mastery, she was able to create and manipulate all types of coulda. We were very confused at first but after contracting my parents , turns out it was a quirk form my grandparents. One of my uncles had a similar quick. I got in contact with my uncle and he was glad to help me teach Stella.

Keigo and I had build a family together. And I couldn't ask for more. He was perfect and we helped each other with everything. Never got past teh honeymoon phase. He's always a romantic and always made tiem for all of us. We where a family, and we where happy.

"I guess happy endings do exists." He said

"Yes. I mean look at them, aren't that adorable."

"Yup, I'm so happy I met you that day."

"I'm so glad you saved me Keigo."

We kissed and continued watching our kids playing together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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