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//You words make me fall deeper for you//

Letter 1:

To my dear Alison,

From the moment I met you there was something about you that would set me off. I knew I should of stayed away from you but I couldn't. I was entranced by your mysterious beauty I couldn't help myself. I feel something I have never felt before. Its strange and foreign to me.

I don't really know how to react with these feelings but know this, I don't think I can hide them any longer.

All the love,
The Mafia bosses son x

Letter 2:

To My heaven,

I can't even begin to explain how horrid I feel for all the times I hurt you. Especially on our date. I didn't want for it to end that way but it did and I want to apologise. I didn't mean any of those words. I meant the exact opposite. I hope you do forgive me for what I said because I enjoyed that night.

The reason for my horrid words was because it was the only way to make sure you wouldn't go near me again. My father told me I had to cut all ties to you because he knew if I stayed around you I would put you in danger. He was right. My enemy's would go after you if we were together. I just now wish I hadn't ended the night like that. I now wish I had kissed you and spent the night holding you as your slept in my arms. No not sex because I don't want to do that if you don't want it.

I hope you can forgive me in time.

All the love,
The Mafia bosses son x

Letter 3:

To my angel

I want to say sorry because you had to see me angry and in my natural nature. You shouldn't have witness that. And your right. Neither should have his son. Don't worry, the boy is ok and in a safe place. No harm will come to him, I swear.

And I hope you no longer have those nightmares. It would haunt me if you did. I hope you eating again and sleeping again. You need to eat and sleep for your own good. If you don't I will know and take the personal visit in making sure you eat and sleep. I miss you. I've not know you long yet it is strange no to see you after a couple of days.

Please look after yourself and stay safe. Good luck in life.

All the love,
The Mafia bosses son x

Letter 4:

Dear Tesror,

If never felt this way before. I don't even know what I'm feeling. It's like there is a fire burning deep inside of me and being near you is the one way to tame it. I love everything single thing about you. Your perfect just the ways you are. never forget that.

I'll admit to you. I'm not the guy for you. I'm not what you need in your life. You need someone who won't put you in danger like I know I will. But I'm too damn selfish. I know this sound strange since we're not together; hell I don't think we are friends. But I just needed to tell you this. You needed to know.

All the love,
The Mafia Bosses son x


Hello again people hope you having or had a good day, wherever you are in the world. Hope you enjoyed that chapter and Harold's letters to Alison I realised that I have made Harold to like a soft man and seem like he's not even in the Mafia. That is going change soon...
Once again a very short chapter and it's really a filler chapterAnyway, bye bye

All the love C

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