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//Wanting what you can never have//

Porsha walked across campus as she left the atorrium to meet Alison who was on her way to come pick her up for their shopping trip.

When it came to love and romance, Porsha was never lucky. Guys would usually leave her, saying that she was too possessive and would always jump to conclusions, saying that they were cheating but she was just being paranoid. And the truth was, she did often jump to conclusions and was always wrong until the guy she thought she would be with forever, cheated on her.

She didn't understand why, he did. He told her that she was annoying but she was sure that she had toned down the possesivness. And for some time she couldn't get over it but Alison convinced her that he wasn't the one for her and she needed to move on.

Porsha loved having a boyfriend. She liked being in a relationships. She enjoyed the attention she would get and craved to have a man to look after her. And since her break up, she had no one and she felt very lonely.

So when a guy from her English Literature class asked her on a date, Porsha didn't say no. Which was why she needed Alison to help her find the perfect outfit.

As she walked she saw an all to familiar face come towards her.

"Hey" she said when he stopped in front of her.

"Hey, do you have minute?" he asked with a smile.

"Sure, but it's have to be quick, I have somewhere to be" she said in which he nodded to.

"How was the club? Did Alison go with you?" He asked with hope his eyes.

"Yes, she did"

"And was she ok? Did she have bruises from him?"

"No Kingsley, she didn't"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes and do you know why? It's because Harold isn't abusing her in anyway"

"Yes he is"

"No he isn't"

Kingsley signed and ran his hands across his face. He didn't understand why Porsha was disagreeing with him when the last time they spoke he had managed to convince that the rich bastard was bad for Alison and was hurt her.

"I don't understand... I showed you the evidence which showed what he was doing"

"No, you didn't, you showed me a video of Harold beating a man up. And a video of him in a meeting. A meeting which had no English in so we didn't even know what he going on. What you showed me doesn't prove that he's in the mafia, or that he's hurting Alison"

"Of course it does. If it didn't, you wouldn't have believed me" Kingsley said with urgency in his voice.

"No, you made me think that. I've spoken to Alison and the truth is, she hasn't been around because her and Hope hadn't been talking. She hid it from me as she didn't want to ruin mine and Hope's friendship" Porsha said lying easily as she had already rehearsed this conversation as she knew Kingsley would come and talk her.

"That's not true. He is dangerous"

"No he's not. You've just told yourself this so you could have a reason for trying to ruin a relationship"

"That rich fucker doesn't deserve her... I deserve her. She should be with me... Why can't you see that all I want is the best for her?" he said, hurt and anger clear in his voice.

"Kingsley, I know you like her but she doesn't feel the same. She not going to leave him for you. She loves him"

"What? Love?"

"Yes. She told me herself. She loves him and isn't going to leave him"

"No, she can't. He doesn't deserve her love. She should love me". Kingsley could feel himself get angry. He didn't understand how Alison could love him. He wanted her to love himself because she was everything he wanted in a girl.

"I'm sorry but, that's not going to happen"

Suddenly a car horn was beeped and the two looked towards the car, where a man dressed in a pristine navy suit  came out and looked towards them. Porsha recognised him as Rico, Alison's head guard and he was the one who would be driving the two around and looking after them.

She turned back to Kingsley signed.

"Listen, I'm going shopping now and that's my ride so I'm leaving. But listen me to, you need to let this go. All your doing is hurting yourself. Alison isn't going to leave Harold for you and you need to move on"

That was the last thing she said before quickly walking away and towards the black range Rover, leaving Kingsley full of rage.


And scene.....

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-Candide xx

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