//Truth be told //
21 Weeks
Harold stood with his parents, Melina, Lorenzo and Ferro in the living area at his parents house. He had gathered them to talk about the recent events and why they took place. He wanted to tell his parents and Melina about what Rosè did.
It wasn't a decision that came lightly. He truthfully didn't want to tell them. He wanted to protect them from that fact. Especially his mother. But he knew they had a right to know and how they would be even more hurt if he did hide it from them.
"So, what did you want? Is it about Alison?" Melina asked, settling down on the coach.
"Then what?" She asked again before Harold let out a deep breath.
"It turn out that for some time, we have had a traitor in our inner family" he said, attempting to control his anger. Immediately after he said that, his father stood up in shock, his mother gasped and Melina went rigid.
"What?" His mother asked as he looked down.
"A traitor? In our family" she continued, feeling sick to her gut that someone betrayed them.
"Yes" Harold said nodding.
"And this traitor is the reason why Ettore was able to get ahold of Alison and keep her for so long" he continued as he clenched his fist. He sure to give Ettore what he deserved.
No Mercy.
"Well who is it? I know it's non of us because they would be locked up. Is it one of your men? An associate?" Melina asked, anxious to know the truth.
"No. None of them.."
"Then who?" Louise asked walking to Harold and taking his hand in hers.
Harold hesitated and just watched his mother. This would surly break her. It would surly break her heart. But experience tough him that in the end, the truth always come out one way or another. And he rathered that she found out from him, rather than anyone else.
"Rosè" he said.
Multiple gaps we're heard around the room. His mother, father and Melina looked at him in confusion.
"Rosè? What does she have to do with it?" Melina asked, not believing it.
"It was her" he said.
"What was her?" Melina asked forcefully but he didn't look at her. His eyes stayed on Louise who let go of his hand and took a few steps back. Her eyes were glossy and his mouth was agaped. She started to shake as Harold gave her a remorseful look.
"Rosè is the traitor" he said and that was it before his mother's knees gave out and she crumbled to the floor, shaking and sobbing.
Immediately Harold was on the floor with her, holding her and she broke down. She clung on to him as if he was a life line as thousand of thoughts rushed through her head.
Harold let her tears coat his shirt as she kept on shaking. It hurt him to see his mother in this state.
Boken. Fragile. Hurt.
And all because his sister was a twisted bitch.
He pushed her hair back and tightened his grip as she began to chant "No, no, no, no"
"Mi dispiace, mamma {I'm so sorry mom}" he whispered before kissing the top of her head and then looking up at his father.
Fico just stood there in astonishment as he let the news sink in. It was something that he would have never thought would happen. His daughter, turning on her brother and almost destroying the things he held most dear. It took a while for Fico snap out of his trance, and when he did, he went to duo on the floor and took his wide into his arms and let her cry.
"It's not your fault" he said as she clung to him, already knowing that she was blaming herself for this. Blaming herself for the fact that he daughter could commit such a crime. Blaming herself for not seeing her daughter's clear disobedience and for not dealing with it sooner. Because if she did, then maybe Rosè wouldn't have done what she did.
No comprehendable words came out of Louise and she threw herself on her husband. Holding him as if he was her lifeline and that he would make everything better.
Harold heard the door slam, leading him to look up. Melina had left. Ferro made a move to go to her but Harold held his hand up as an indication to leave it.
He got up left the room and went after Melina who making her way to the front door. He quickly followed her whilst calling out her name.
"Lina!" He said using her nickname. But she kept on going.
"Lina!" He said again and this time she listened and stopped when she was in front if her car Harold caught up to her and was about to speak when she interrupted.
"Where is she now?" She asked angrily.
"She's locked up"
"Where? Cause I'm going to find out what the hell was going through her mind"
"I'm not going to tell you and you will do no such thing"
"Because that won't erase what happened!"
"Well maybe if we know why then-"
"I already know why! She did this because she is a spiteful bitch who just wanted attention!" Harold shouted and Melina just signed.
"By that tone I'm assuming you've spoken to her"
"Of course I have. She needed to explain her actions"
"And did she?"
"That doesn't matter... She'll face punishment anyway"
Melina paused before looking down. This was an extremely delicate situation for their family and the punishment was going to make it worse.
"What will her punishment be?" Melina asked, needing to know so she could prepare herself.
"She's unlikely to be sent to death, so life imprisonment would be the best option right now"
Melina signed once again and shook her head.
"This will destroy mamá" she whispered
"I know" Harold said back and his heart constricted at that fact.
This would of course hurt his mother and he wasn't sure if she would ever get over it. But at the same time he couldn't let Rosè get away with what she did.
He just didn't know what to do..
Hey guys.
Just a short one for you today I'm afraid but I am working on more chapter's.
What do you guys think that Harold should do with Rosè? Do you think he should give her a different punishment?
Comment what you think should happen.
And once again, thank you for coming back to read. Have a great day!
-Candide Molamba

Shattered Innocence (BWWM)
RomanceLoving her was like loving an angel, she was too pure for him. Loving him was like loving the Devil, it was wrong. But that didn't stop them from falling for each other. He had made a selfish choice, and so did she. And those choices brought conse...