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//Pending war looming//

26 Weeks

Harold sat on a table surrounded by the higher mafia members. His father, underboss, consigliere, and the elders and the main Capos. He had gathered them for their usual monthly meeting to discuss what was occurring in the underworld. The table was filled with wine, whiskey, laughter and chatter before the meeting actually commenced. But once Harold walked in, all the men stopped their chatter and stood up and bowed and didn't sit down until Harold gave them permission.

Harold shrugged off his suit jacket before motioning the waiter to bring forth his whiskey. "So" he began looking at all the men around him. "Let's talk business" he said with a smirk that the man were happy to see. 

"Don Corolenes, may I?" the consigliere Antonio said looking at Harold.

"Vai avanti {Go ahead}" Harold said.

"As you all know, I've spend the last week in Moscow, checking the stock for the up-coming trade. But whilst I was there, I got a call from Marco Pugliesi, the head of the Pugliesi Family" Antonio said looking at the family who all turned their faces in disgust.

"Ehh, what did the low life want?" one person said

"Not that one" another muttered.

"He's not dead yet?" someone else went on

"Mette gli italiani a vergognarsi di quello { He puts Italian's to shame that one }" An Elder said.

"Aspettare? È lui quello con la moglie adultera? Quello grasso? {Wait? Is he the one with the adulterous wife? The fat one?"

"I'm tired of his bullshit"

"Basta! {Enough!}" Harold shouted causing everyone to quieten down in a heart beat.

Harold turned to Antonio to continue.

"Pugliesi wants an audience with you. Sooner rather than later"

"Perché? {Why?}" Harold asked.

"Apparently he has something to offer if we give him complete protection "

"Protection against what?" Ferro asked, pulling a face.

"He didn't say"

"Our protection is the best in the world, what would he offer us if we give him protection?" Harold asked before taking a sip of his drink.

"A union. He gives you his daughter Stella's hand in marriage" Antonio said causing Ferro  to chuckle.

"Questo è stupido! {That's stupid!}.  Does he not follow the news? Is he not aware that our Don has someone? Is he not aware that he is expecting a child with Alison?" Ferro said, finding this request preposterous.

"Ecco dove ti sbagli Ferro {That's where you're wrong Ferro}" Elder Fulvio (Harold and Ferro's grandfather from their dad's side)

"Nonno? Cosa intendi? {Grandad? What do you mean?}" Ferro asked confused.

"Mentre Alison è con Angelo e stanno avendo un figlio insieme, non ha alcuna sostanza reale. Per le altre mafie del mondo, non è veramente in famiglia. Lei non è veramente la Donna ... L'unico modo per cambiarlo è quello di sposarla o di farla ufficialmente nostra Donna. Fino ad allora, Angelo è tecnicamente un uomo libero {Whilst Alison is with Angelo (Another one of Harold's nicknames ) and they are having a child together, it holds no real substance. To the other mafia's in the world, she not truly in the family. She is not truly the Donna... The only way to change that is either to marry her or officially make her our Donna. Until then, Angelo is technically a free man}" Elder Fulvio said.

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